Category Archives: Relationships

3 Steps to Take Before Heading To Splitsville

High-profile divorce attorney shares some of the secrets for a successful separation. According to the [see more...]

7 Mistakes to Avoid when getting Divorced

    1. Do not alienate your kids against your spouse It hurts the kids, [see more...]

Love’s Bounty Hunter America’s largest (and most bizarre) online dating site

Everyone talks about online dating from the perspective of the online dater. Love’s Bounty Hunter [see more...]

64% cheat while in the same room as their spouse

89% of people use smartphones or tablets to cheat on their spouse 64% will cheat [see more...]

Six Tips to Make a Great First Impression on a First Date

  You only get one chance to make a first impression on a date.  When [see more...]

Love Me Don’t Leave Me

    In her new book, LOVE ME, DON’T LEAVE ME, psychologist and relationship expert [see more...]

Steps To Take When On The Road To Divorce

Divorces are extremely trying times for both parties involved. The road to a divorce is [see more...]

3 Top Ways Social Media is Ruining Relationships

Technology is altering the way we connect, date and even break up. With apps like [see more...]

5 Intimacy Tips Inspired by Baseball

ASTROGLIDE Baseball Survey Finds 80% of People Will Only Give a Peck for the Kiss [see more...]

New Study Reveals the Most Irritating Things About Men Which Give Women Reasons to Cheat

Online dating site, Victoria Milan, has just revealed the findings of its new study, which shows [see more...]

Nerds in Love: Six Quotes About When Nerds Fall in Love

You might be inclined to think that nerds don’t really have a chance in the [see more...]

Tips: Surviving Valentine’s Day for the Newly Divorced

Around Valentine’s Day, divorce rates skyrocket by nearly 40%. General health practitioner and divorcee, Dr. Muhammad [see more...]

Top Tips For Being Joyfully Single on Valentines Day Leading Self Discovery Expert, Jessica Baker, Empowers Singles With Self Love Tools

  Valentine’s Day has a way of making singles feel bad about their relationship status. [see more...]

Why Valentine’s Day Won’t Save Your Marriage

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and very soon millions of Americans will shell out the [see more...]

Introducing RENT A GENT

Rent A Gent,, the ultimate playground for successful women, created by women, has launched. Women [see more...]


Guess who is coming to dinner? Do you really know who the new guy is you [see more...]

I Will Survive: Valentine’s Day Do’s and Don’ts for Single Ladies

For those of us spending time alone this Valentine’s Day it’s possible to come over [see more...]

Top 10 giveaway mistakes cheaters make!!

Although men and women may cheat in different ways, this recent Victoria Milan study reveals [see more...]

The Ecstasy of Surrender

 Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun?   New York [see more...]