Category Archives: Relationships

Men´s top 5 habits in bed that make women cheat

Infidelity website Victoria Milan recently released the results of an in-depth survey which asked female [see more...]

3 Compatibility Factors You Should NEVER Ignore

Compatibility is one of those overused words that everyone in the dating scene has heard [see more...]

Where is Marriage Headed?

Marriage has been around for centuries in different forms of culture all over the world, [see more...]

Top five ways to avoid being caught in a high tech trap

The era of smartphones and tablets has created rifts in many couples. Members of the [see more...]

Love Interview with Dr. Wendy Walsh

  I got the chance to interview, the stunning Dr. Wendy Walsh .  I decided [see more...]

Self-Help and the Dating Scene – the Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous

Can self-help books really improve your dating experience or are they just a waste of [see more...]

Online Dating Dos and Don’ts

Online dating has lost its taboo status and the popularity of finding a date through [see more...]

Spray Your Perfume in 4 Spots to Get Him Crazy about You

​Your man loves you for a lot of things. It may be your charming personality, [see more...]

How YOU Can Match-make Yourself in 3 Easy Steps – Tips from Dating Expert & Matchmaker Rachel DeAlto

  Let’s face it, even with the plethora of dating sites, social media platforms and [see more...]

Meet The Oprah of Sex

  What prompted you to become the Oprah of Sex?   What a question – [see more...]

Four Marvellous Retro Relationship Tips For Modern Day Dating

Dating and relationship priorities have changed somewhat over the last 50 years. In his marriage [see more...]

How You Can Find the One Online Without Driving Yourself Crazy

You’ve dated online. You’ve had highly inappropriate men write you highly inappropriate emails. You’ve had [see more...]

The Top Five Worst Days Ever for Single People

Being single is both a blessing and an ordeal. On the one hand you can [see more...]

3 Tips to Find His Inner Bad Boy from Former Bachelor Jake Pavelka and Mehow

Have you heard of the new and very popular Yahoo! Shine web series called “The Girl’s [see more...]

Best Buds: Five Hilarious Quotes About Friendship

  Friends are some of the most important people in our lives, probably second only [see more...]

Hypnosis Improving Sex, Relationships and Helping Women Attract Mr. Right

They say there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but many singles feel like Cupid [see more...]

I Love a Love Story

    In 1978, Gay Cioffi and Mark Obenhaus had a summer fling in the [see more...]

Introverted Girls and Dating

There are pros and cons to dating an introvert: they are often more interesting, loyal, [see more...]

Fifty Shades of Dumb

Matt Lauer called him a “lunatic” and Katie Couric called him the “chronicler of stupid [see more...]

Watch out, Women May be the New Pickup Artists

Do you remember the days when men did all the picking-up….at the bars, on the [see more...]