Fifty Shades of Dumb


Matt Lauer called him a “lunatic” and Katie Couric called him the “chronicler of stupid America”—now, Leland Gregory brings you strange stories from the sack! Turns out, truth is stranger than fiction . . . and less painful than friction.



Whatever your take on Fifty Shades of Grey, that series pales in comparison to the real life events of Fifty Shades of Dumb: True Stories of Strange and Screwy Sex  , written by humorist Leland Gregory, the two-time New York Times bestselling author and former writer for Saturday Night Live.


Feats chronicled here include sex with teddy bears; exchanging oral sex for Chicken McNuggets; sexually harassing dogs, pumpkins, plumbing fixtures; and even more unbelievably trysts. With eleven thousand Americans injuring themselves every year from attempting wacky sex, Leland has picked the funniest, disturbing, and most . . . creative sexcapades.


Shades of Dumb isn’t a parody—it’s a real-life look at the really weird things people do to get their jollies. Taken from national newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, the stories from Fifty Shades of Dumb are all true and all truly naughty. Christian Grey might have lifted the lid on BDSM and renewed our wild fascination with sex; but even he couldn’t have dreamed up some of these trysts gone wrong!