Tag Archives: Facebook

7 Ways to Save on College Shopping

Andrea Woroch, consumer and money-saving expert for Kinoli Inc., transforms everyday consumers into savvy shoppers. [see more...]

Millennials spend more on coffee than saving for retirement

  This is an interesting study. For millions of Millennials retirement seems so far off [see more...]

Four Ways To Improve Your Life RIGHT NOW

In May 2015, the OECD Better Life Index reported that the average life satisfaction score [see more...]

FREE Career Boost! Meet the HR head of Cake Boss, LinkedIn Experts & More Recruiters Jan 13th

Are you or is your adult child looking to jump start a career in the [see more...]

Top Online Dating Resolutions of 2015

  Arguably, 2015 was the year that online dating became a routine part of life. [see more...]

Teaching Children to Keep Their Rooms Clean and Organized

  Kids voluntarily cleaning their rooms and keeping things organized? Yes, it’s possible! You’ll simply [see more...]

Nasty end to a relationship? Facebook’s New Tool

Unfortunately Facebook can not stop you from stalking.  According to a 2012 study, 88 per [see more...]

Are you suffering from Facebook Envy?

As the days grow shorter, millions of Americans are already battling the winter blues. Add [see more...]

“What a Dumb Fatty:” New Book Documents Fat Shaming

“What a dumb fatty.” “You are beautiful and inspiring and such an asset to humanity.” [see more...]

Where Do You Wear Your Activewear?

Women are great connectors. We develop long friendships and business partnerships from attending networking events, [see more...]

Is social media toxic to your relationship?

Should you unfriend your spouse on Facebook?  Is social media toxic to your relationship? Does [see more...]

Powder – Beauty Just Got Personal

The latest and greatest beauty advice and product recommendations, from the UK’s leading beauty editors. [see more...]

A Paint Studio and An Upscale Bar? Count Me In!

Muse Paintbar Uncorks in White Plains Studio Combining Painting Instruction with Wine Bar Opens in [see more...]

Jesse Frohman Book Signing “Kurt Cobain, The Last Session” at sherry b dessert studio

   This Saturday, June 13, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Chappaqua’s sherry b dessert [see more...]

Exit 4 Food Hall Coming to Mount Kisco

This summer  a new food trend will be heading to Mt. Kisco. The food hall will [see more...]

Survey Says: Stay off social media (or risk divorce)

1 in 7 surveyed said they’d considered divorce because of questionable social media activity by [see more...]

Growing Up in a Visual World

The latest Coming of Age on Screens report from Facebook IQ explores how teens and [see more...]

Are you suffering from Facebook Envy?

If only my life was as good as it looks on facebook…. Digital Depression: Your [see more...]

Should the bedroom become a “no phone zone”?

Are text messages and late night emails getting in the way of our love lives?  [see more...]