Author Archives: Stacy G

SoulCycle Trunk Shows

If you love SoulCycle then  you #musthave this. The perfect gift for your BFF or [see more...]

Throw a Traditional It’s a Boy! Baby Shower on a Budget

It’s time to plan a baby shower for a bouncing baby boy and you want [see more...]

How to get $4,274,700,000 worth of art on your TV

Displaying iconic art and favorite images makes a heck of lot more sense than staring [see more...]

Cokie Roberts Coming to Bedford Saturday, April 5th – Book Talk and Signing

  Cokie Roberts will share stories from her new children’s book, “Founding Mothers: Remembering the [see more...]

Melissa Etheridge at Ridgefield Playhouse April 24

Very few seats remain to see Melissa Etheridge in her “This is ME Solo” concert [see more...]

Travel Deals to Vivid and Vibrant Destinations

With spring around the corner, ‘April showers’ aren’t far behind. For those spontaneous travelers looking [see more...]

Stacyknows Theory

Shop, Style and Save Enjoy 20% off your entire purchase at Theory Greenwich all day  Friday [see more...]

Divorce Expert Highlights Lesson In Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin Divorce

Prominent Attorney Says Parents Could Take Notes From This Celebrity Split   If you have [see more...]

Happy Is the New Black

Happy Is The New Black Black Oversized Comfy Top A long-sleeved pullover with an upbeat [see more...]

How to Moonwalk like Michael Jackson

The moonwalk is a dance move that presents the illusion of the dancer being pulled backwards while [see more...]

Top 10 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Immune System

Top 10 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Immune System (via Style Craze) You think of [see more...]

Juice Bar at Healthy Choice opens tomorrow in Chappaqua!!!!!

Let the cleansing begin. Chances are if you are from Chappaqua,NY you will be tempted [see more...]

Celebrate the Unveiling of Newly Renovated Equinox Mamroneck at Vernal Equinox Party

In need of a change in your workout routine? Tired of working out at home [see more...]

Ridgefield Playhouse April 12 Charles Grodin

Charles Grodin: A Comedic Journey through showbiz! Saturday, April 12 @ 7:30pm   Charles Grodin, Emmy and Golden [see more...]

3 Top Rated Training Tips Debunked!

Here is a riddle for you:  What Do Cesar Millan and Orson Well’s Animal Farm [see more...]

Spring Break “Staycation” for the Family

     Spring break is just around the corner.  If you’re planning a “staycation” this [see more...]

Tom Wopat Comes to Westchester

Friday, May 9, 2014 at 7:15 PM and 9:30 PM     Star of stage [see more...]

How to Protect Your Identity While You’re on a Cruise

  You’ve made your cruising checklist and checked it twice; there’s no way you’re going [see more...]

Shop Best Sellers at BaubleBar!

Start building your dream jewelry wardrobe by shopping these best-selling baubles at! These hot [see more...]

Skinny Buddha Takes New York City By Storm

  This past weekend, inside the Marriott Hotel in New York City, personal trainers spin [see more...]