Tag Archives: Mental Health

How to Boost your Mental Health

It is not an easy world to live in sometimes. We are constantly pressured from [see more...]

8 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back This Summer

New beginnings are the most exciting and energizing times in life. Summer is always a [see more...]

Summer Program Helps Teens and Young Adults Get Organized and Gain Self-Management Skills

      For most young people, summertime means a welcome relief from the pressures [see more...]

Summer Program Offers Teens Support for Social Anxiety and Building Self-Confidence

  For most young people, summertime means a welcome relief from the pressures of school. [see more...]

Get On Your Mat For Mental Health!

Get ready to welcome summer under the open sky and celebrate the International Day of [see more...]

Are you suffering from Facebook Envy?

If only my life was as good as it looks on facebook…. Digital Depression: Your [see more...]

Five Ways to Know You’re Creative

  Experts say that if you do something for 10,000 hours you become an expert. [see more...]

Slow Down and Save

For many, life’s pace has become so ramped up that there’s little room to take [see more...]

How to Find Peace When You’re Married to a Hoarder

According to the International OCD Foundation, hoarding is most prevalent among people who are 50 years [see more...]

Putting the ‘happy’ back into the holidays

  We should all look forward to the holidays as a time to celebrate with [see more...]

Stress and the Holidays: Tips to Keep You Sane

November is National Stress Awareness Month and Americans are feeling ‘sick’. What’s keeping you up [see more...]

Get Better Sleep With These Tips

If the summer months are a time of relaxed schedules in your home, then getting [see more...]

50 Shades of Kale: Book Event on 9/19

  An intimate evening with the authors of this season’s hottest new cookbook, 50 Shades [see more...]

MHA Westchester Raises More than $30,000 at Mega Outdoor-Yoga Event

More than 500 attended MHA Westchester’s Get On Your Mat For Mental Health, the second [see more...]


On MHA’s Centering Sunday, May 19th, you can practice yoga, take pilates or book a [see more...]

5 Health Benefits of Laughter

  Laughter is probably one of best remedies to get rid of various health related [see more...]

The Family Table – A Great Place to Detect an Eating Disorder

We live in an on-the-go lifestyle time, and family meals have become rare. However, February [see more...]

7 Reasons Why Smiling is Good for You

New research has found a strong connection between smiling and general health. According to Laurel [see more...]