Category Archives: Lifestyle
Juice Bar at Healthy Choice opens tomorrow in Chappaqua!!!!!
Let the cleansing begin. Chances are if you are from Chappaqua,NY you will be tempted [see more...]
Celebrate the Unveiling of Newly Renovated Equinox Mamroneck at Vernal Equinox Party
In need of a change in your workout routine? Tired of working out at home [see more...]
3 Top Rated Training Tips Debunked!
Here is a riddle for you: What Do Cesar Millan and Orson Well’s Animal Farm [see more...]
Spring Break “Staycation” for the Family
Spring break is just around the corner. If you’re planning a “staycation” this [see more...]
How to Protect Your Identity While You’re on a Cruise
You’ve made your cruising checklist and checked it twice; there’s no way you’re going [see more...]
Skinny Buddha Takes New York City By Storm
This past weekend, inside the Marriott Hotel in New York City, personal trainers spin [see more...]
Everybody’s Invited to D’Errico Jewelry/Mount Kisco Chamber Networking Event This Coming Wednesday
Whether you’re a Chamber member or not, you’re invited to D’Errico Jewelry/Mount Kisco Chamber of [see more...]
Sarah Jessica Parker Answers 73 Questions
SJP provides a rare glimpse into her home and answers [see more...]
The Katonah Museum of Art presents Jasper Johns & John Lund: Masters in the Print Studio
The first in-depth exhibition to focus on the collaboration between the iconic American artist [see more...]
So do you agree that women are truly more sociable online?
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how often do you go online [see more...]
Five Ways to Know You’re Creative
Experts say that if you do something for 10,000 hours you become an expert. [see more...]
Homes Needed for 300+ Older Foster Children in Westchester County
Homes Needed for 300+ Older Foster Children in Westchester County Interested families are invited to [see more...]
Press The President Celebrates International Women’s Day
By Writing, A Difference Can Be Made to Empower Women and Free Them from Forced [see more...]
Slam Dunk March Madness: Your office pool matters, do it right
According to the online reference guide, the company that produces basketballs for [see more...]
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Jolly Green Recipes from Benjamin Steakhouse Westchester
Though many will be out celebrating St. Paddy’s Day at Irish Pubs, others opt to [see more...]
Updating Your Bedroom After Your Marriage Comes to an End
Re-decorating your home post-divorce is a powerful exercise in moving on, reasserting your sense [see more...]
Slow Down and Save
For many, life’s pace has become so ramped up that there’s little room to take [see more...]
The Award For the Best Selfie Goes to…
In about 10 minutes this “selfie” was retweeted over 1,737,000 times. I am sure its [see more...]
How to Take a “Selfie”
As everyone with access to the internet should know, “selfie” was named 2013 word of [see more...]