Author Archives: Stacy G

Your Relationship With Money

  Should I buy it, or shouldn’t I? Do I have enough; how much is [see more...]

Stacyknows featured on Consumer Reports

  Stacy Geisinger uses her iPad to write a blog and send messages. But she [see more...]

Meet Carol Beck a Career and Interview Coach

Carol Beck is an experienced Hiring Manager who has for worked for both Fortune 500 [see more...]

Heal while you hibernate!

 Everyone’s complexion needs a little TLC during cold, harsh winter months, so give your skin [see more...]

Casting For a New Prison Movie

  As long if you haven’t been in Orange is the new Black   The [see more...]

Dig into Local Food!!! Bedford 2020 Food Forum

If you love food and you love our community, consider joining this event that celebrates [see more...]

5 Herbs to Grow in Your Kitchen Window

There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh herbs in recipes you prepare. If you’re [see more...]

5 latest trends in women’s accessories

                              [see more...]

You Look Great! 5 Ways to Lighten Up on Physical Appearance

  Go on your Facebook or Instagram feed and you’ll be hard pressed not to [see more...]


  My friend Lori Laub is reaching out to our community for support involving the [see more...]

BRUCE MUSEUM’S 4th Annual ART OF DESIGN MARCH 2nd 11:30AM – 2PM Greenwich Country Club

The Bruce Museum’s 4th Annual Art of Design Panel Discussion and Luncheon Thursday, March 2nd [see more...]

Sign Up Today for CSA Day

CSA stands for “community supported agriculture,” which is a direct-to-customer business model for farmers. In the traditional CSA [see more...]

The Ultimate Skincare Regimen

Meet the ultimate revive and renew skincare regimen: Facial Cleansing Oil + Recovery Treatment Oil [see more...]

Why New Research Shows Most Women Aren’t Happy—and How to Change That

Leading sex therapist explains new study and offers guidance for women A recently released study [see more...]

Siegel Bros. Marketplace In Mount Kisco, NY is Now Open! Craft Butchery, Fishmonger, Cheese and Charcuterie, and Prepared Foods by Renowned Chef David Nevins

Lots of activity has been seen through the window wrapped storefront of Siegel Bros. Marketplace [see more...]

23 Things You Have to Eat in Westchester County

23 Things to Eat in Westchester County Before You Die New York is one of [see more...]


  Floral Decorations throughout Mansion Recreate Lyndhurst’s Heyday      When Jay Gould and his [see more...]

Sing Along to the History of the 1950’s and 60’s through Popular Song

Join New York Blues Hall of Fame inductee, Marc Black, for a musical tour through [see more...]

No Ordinary Bridal Event

Don’t Miss This Fun ‘A-List’ Bridal & ‘Mother Of The Bride’ Gowns Sample Sale! For [see more...]