Author Archives: Stacy G


Stephen Antonakos: Proscenium  +  Bending Light: Neon Art 1965 to Now    ON VIEW FROM JANUARY [see more...]

Cabaret alert! Liz Callaway, Emelin Theatre – Sat, 1/27: 8pm

Cabaret alert! Liz Callaway, Emelin Theatre – Sat, 1/27: 8pm: Cabaret star and two-time Tony nominee, Liz [see more...]

5 Herbs That Help With Anti-Aging

  One of the natural remedies available for anti-aging is to use herbs. Herbs help [see more...]

“Heart Smart For Women: Six S.T.E.P.S. in Six Weeks To Heart-Healthy Living”

Authors assert that heart disease in women will only diminish when individuals translate heart knowledge [see more...]

Top 6 Apps to Spy on Text Messages

XNSPY is a great mobile app to monitor messages on someone’s mobile. You can keep [see more...]

Get Tickets to Tina Fey’s MEAN GIRLS, On Broadway This Spring

  “You Can’t Sit With Them But You CAN Sit In The Audience….YOU ARE GOING [see more...]

Reading Glasses under $20

My good friend, Jane is closing her online eyewear business. Last chance–Great Deals! Limited Quantity [see more...]

Ultra-Violet to Ultra Healthy “Superfoods” Explained

Pantone recently announced Ultra-Violet, as the 2018 Color of the Year. Serving as the hue of some of our favorite [see more...]

Mulino’s Disco Night January 20, 2018

Babe We’re Gonna Love Tonight!!! Lime is always on my playlist. The lead singer Joy [see more...]

Marc Black’s History of the 1950’s and 60’s through Popular Song at the Schoolhouse Theater.

    New York Blues Hall of Fame inductee, Marc Black, will be back at [see more...]

Lucy’s Laugh Lounge

New Comedy Venue in Pleasantville! Starting this month, get ready to laugh.   Comedy shows every [see more...]

Losing Weight With Coffee

  In theory, losing weight is simple. Every pound is equivalent to 3500 calories. In [see more...]

Are You Playing HQ Trivia Everybody Else Is

I am inviting you to HQ Trivia. Don’t tell me I don’t invite you to [see more...]

What are the Benefits of Drinking Water

What are the Benefits of Drinking Water. This is important information to know because it helps [see more...]

Bulldog Yoga Stream classes from any device…Any Time. Any Place.

Streaming online yoga classes from bulldog yoga. Any Time. Any Place. bulldog is yoga, liberated – free [see more...]

The Perfect Engagement Ring on a Budget

      It is a common scenario, a couple decide to get engaged, but [see more...]

8 Useful Tips for Purchasing the Right Toy for kids

  Whenever you visit a toy store, you certainly feel confused about which one to [see more...]

Colin Quinn and Jim Messina At Ridgefield Playhouse this Weekend

  . Colin Quinn: One In Every Crowd Opening Act: Tim Gage Thursday, January 11, [see more...]