Author Archives: Stacy G

Author Laurie Gelman Celebrates the Release of Her New Book, Yoga Pant Nation

  Kelly Ripa, Ali Wentworth, Laurie Gelman, Katie Couric ©Patrick McMullan Best-selling author, Laurie Gelman, celebrated [see more...]

Perfect Edible Gift Ideas for Your Loving Partners

  Love – a word with a simple meaning until someone comes along in your [see more...]

Lifestyle Expert, Meredith Staggers, Shares Practical Tips Ahead of National Parents Day

  With National Parents Day around the corner, it is the perfect time for people [see more...]

How Can HR Software Help Businesses Prepare for the Holiday Season?

The Summer sun has arrived; it’s time to get some heat on our skins, take [see more...]

Greenwich Polo Club Hosts Prestigious East Coast Gold Cup Final

      Greenwich Polo Club pc Greenwich Polo Club The Greenwich Polo Club, one [see more...]


    Week-long Celebration Taking Place September 28 – October 3   2021 Event Begins [see more...]

Simple Natural Beauty Tips Anyone Can Use to Look and Feel Great

                              [see more...]

5 Services You Can Expect From an Online Doctor

    Imagine you have a lingering headache with a runny nose at a time [see more...]

10 bad habits making your online shopping more expensive

  Shopping has always been a major mood and economy booster. Since the era of [see more...]

What Is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

During the past few years, the way that society has looked at marijuana has changed [see more...]

Eco-friendly Ways You Can Use To Battle Insects Next Summer

There are eco-friendly ways to fight insects. One way is by using eco-friendly products like [see more...]

Top Tips to Know About Unoccupied House Insurance During the Probate Process

Probate is the process of examining and transferring the assets of a deceased person’s estate. [see more...]

Why Do Oilless Air Compressors Require Servicing Checks for Air Leaks Prevention?

Several manufacturing processes rely on air pressure, and under the wrong conditions, compressed air leaks [see more...]

What To Be Mindful Of While Buying The Best Vape Liquid

A few years back, people had very few options available in terms of flavors or [see more...]

Getting Started as a Health Coach

  If you’re all about healthy living and you want to help others do the [see more...]

9 Quick And Easy Home Decorating Ideas

  Like most homeowners, you would want to decorate your home to make it Instagram-worthy. [see more...]


    Bedside Reading® is filling travelers’ beach bags this summer in The Hamptons with best-selling books [see more...]

5 New Things Home Buyers Want

  As more and more people are looking to buy homes, it can be hard [see more...]

Surprising Benefits of Using CBD Oil in Daily Cooking

You could have already heard about the great benefits that come from using CBD (cannabidiol) [see more...]

5 Must-Haves For Summer Travel with Kids

Summer is a favorite season for many individuals; it’s the time to go out on [see more...]