Category Archives: Lifestyle

Modern Habits For The Modern World

    People have always been creatures of habit. The place you call home, the [see more...]

Is It Time To Go Fibre Optic With Your Broadband?

    Copper wires were primarily designed for voice transmission. Today, users need more than [see more...]

This Saturday at The Ridgefield Playhouse – Piff the Magic Dragon fires up the stage with TWO shows!

This Saturday at The Ridgefield Playhouse – Piff the Magic Dragon fires up the stage with TWO [see more...]

Non-traditional Ways to Support A Grieving Friend or Relative

One of the hardest moments in life is the emptiness and loneliness left behind by [see more...]

What Can Lasik Surgery Rochester Help With?

  Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis or Lasik is a refractive eye procedure that changes the [see more...]

Prioritize Your Life: Make More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life

  Prioritize Your Life: Make More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life For [see more...]

The Drink More Water Bottle

Now that it’s 2020, many people are working on healthier versions of themselves and an [see more...]

This Will Be Your Decade

The 2010s may have been a decade to remember for all the right reasons, or [see more...]


SO YOU WANT TO PLAY CANASTA By Lori Greene Canasta is a four-player, two team [see more...]

How To Make a Smart Decision Regarding Your Career

You will be better at work if you love what you do. Many of us [see more...]

The Rockland Camerata Presents “United We Sing”

On Sunday, January 26, 2020, 3:00 pm, the Rockland Camerata, under the direction of Matthew [see more...]

Making Your College Decision

Unlike an athlete’s signing day and the highly-influence decision to attend a specific college because [see more...]

Things You Should Consider While Cleaning Your Windows

  Cleaning windows at least once or twice a year is essential if you want [see more...]

6 Common Struggles Couples Need To Overcome For A Relationship To Last

  Relationships are going to take work if they are going to work long term. [see more...]

4 Factors That Contribute to the Success of Your Business

For the success of every brand or company, it is essential to take care of [see more...]

3 Practical Steps to Take When You Have Too Many Goals

  Do you ever feel like you’re spinning in circles with too many goals? Are [see more...]

My favorite Bar in NYC

A Bar Revered for Its Old-Fashioned Charm and Witty Murals Bemelmans Bar on the Upper [see more...]

Westchester and Hudson Valley Restaurants that are Open Christmas Day

Hi Stacy, do you list restaurants that are open in the Hudson Valley on Christmas [see more...]

Why You Should Skip That Drink at The Holiday Party This Year

  The average American sees a 100% increase in their alcohol drinking habits between Thanksgiving and New [see more...]

3 Critical Reasons Why You Need a Truck Accident Attorney

  The number of vehicles around New Jersey has risen steadily. This increase in vehicles [see more...]