Category Archives: Lifestyle
7 Steps You Must Take To Prepare For Your Big Interview
Having a big interview on the horizon can be extremely scary – especially if you [see more...]
Forgive or Cut Out: What to do When Friends Wrong You
As we navigate our way through the path of life, mistakes are part of the [see more...]
7 Holocaust Films You Should See
The inherent drama of the Holocaust lends itself, too easily, to bad filmmaking. The less-talented [see more...]
4 Best Things to Do When In Las Vegas
Are you planning to go to Las Vegas? Is it your first time? If yes, [see more...]
Spanish Fly Vs. Aphrodisiacs: Which is Better
Is Spanish Fly the same as other aphrodisiacs? You must have come across the name [see more...]
Study: The blue light from your cell phone is making you fat
We all can think of ways our smartphone probably isn’t helping our health. They [see more...]
If you have to fly, what’s the best way to protect yourself from everything from cold and flu to coronavirus?
How to avoid getting sick on a plane – and in general – as coronavirus, [see more...]
4 Types of Money Frauds You Should Be Aware Of
In today’s age, every citizen needs to protect their finances more carefully because scammers are [see more...]
Don’t Be Jealous of My Colorful Pens
Gel pens as bright as your personality and as limitless as your imagination [see more...]
Film Series – Caramoor at the Burns: Movies Musicians Love
Film Series – Caramoor at the Burns: Movies Musicians Love Jacob Burns Film Center [see more...]
Why hasn’t the U.S banned asbestos?
Asbestos is a raw material, made up of natural fibers. It has extremely [see more...]
How to Host an Awesome College Party
College parties are legendary in many ways. Being a student is one of the [see more...]
4 Things you can do to overcome a divorce
After a divorce process, one may find it quite difficult to navigate the healing [see more...]
Tips For Teenagers To Look Great At All Times
Teen years are a very confusing phase of your life without a shadow of [see more...]
Four Ways To Invest Your Money
We are living in a time of economic difficulty, and it can be hard to [see more...]
Why Real Estate Is A Pretty Darn Good Venture To Follow
We all want to make as much money as we can, right? Not all [see more...]
The 2020 Resolution that Keeps on Giving
Going into a new year, it’s a good idea to be aware of some [see more...]
Apres Ski Sippers Event – January 23, 2020
Sandra Guibord, Sandra’s Wine Life is hosting an “Après Ski Sippers” event with BOGNER of America at their SoHo [see more...]
Easy Ways to Save Energy for Home Cooling
Energy costs fall into the list that gives several homeowners a nightmare. There [see more...]
Fashion tips for tall women
Tall women are always in a state of perplexed on what will suit them [see more...]