Author Archives: Stacy G

Good Health Goes Beyond Medicine

White Plains Hospital, Montefiore, & ArtsWestchester Present A Holistic Wellness Event on September 20th Healing [see more...]

Who Made the A List Who Made the F List DivaDebbi Breaks Down Emmy Fashion

DivaDebbi's Red Carpet Report Card: Emmy's 2016 Can I please start off by asking, who [see more...]

5 tips to stay ZEN!

National #Yoga Month and #Wedderspoon Manuka Honey, 5 tips to stay ZEN!   September is [see more...]

46th Annual American Gold Cup Gallops into Westchester County

Westchester County’s picturesque Old Salem Farm once again sets this stage for the 46th Annual [see more...]

A box for the Fab Fit and Fun

Check out this season’s box with over $250 worth of amazing beauty, fitness, fashion, lifestyle, [see more...]

5 Bad Habits and Why to Kick them NOW!

  We all want to improve ourselves. At times our own bad habits get in [see more...]


Filled with iconic pieces from the Polo Bar, Ralph Lauren’s first restaurant in New York [see more...]

7 Ways to Banish Negative Chatter Forever and Reclaim your Life

  Most of us received plenty of negative messages growing up, which now manifest as [see more...]


Though ideal for picnics, you’ll think of any excuse to make this rich, savory pie, [see more...]

Crepey Skin Giving You The Creeps?

          What is crepey skin? Is it wrinkles? Thinning skin? A [see more...]

Judith Light’s Oral History

THE LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL THEATRE WOMEN Presents an interview with JUDITH LIGHT Monday, October 17, [see more...]

Wine Dinner at the Maidstone Hotel with Frank Family Vineyards

I hope you can attend this fun night of great food and outstanding food from [see more...]

Make Your Metabolism Your BFF with Weight Loss Buddy

A Scandinavian team looked into what happens at the cellular level when you gain weight. [see more...]


Victoria’s Secret Favors Bralette to Push Up Bra and Breast Reductions Rise in Popularity. There’s [see more...]


6 Healthy Foods to Try This Fall Fall is the perfect time of year to [see more...]

The Bedford Playhouse Energizes the Community

“Playing for the Playhouse” was  an incredible evening of performances by local celebrities.   The Bedford [see more...]

Greenwich Historical Society to Feature Lecture on Marjorie Merriweather Post

85th Annual Meeting and Lecture by Estella Chung on September 14   RSVPs Requested by September [see more...]

A Call, a Visit, and Then an Amazing Discovery…

Ray Spillenger: Rediscovery of a Black Mountain Painter at the Neuberger Museum of Art September [see more...]

A Kick-Off Celebration for the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival at Hall of Scoops

  Air-Brushed Tattoos, Balloon-Twisting, Book Reading and Signing by Biscuit Author Alyssa Capucilli and Illustrator [see more...]