Category Archives: Lifestyle

The Tax Credit That Makes Summer Day Camp Affordable

School’s out, summer’s almost here and it’s time to start preparing for day camp! While [see more...]

Inside the Outside: Five Self-Taught Artists from the William Louis-Dreyfus Foundation Opening in July at the Katonah Museum of Art

Highlights from the art collection of the William Louis-Dreyfus Foundation will be presented in a [see more...]

Poolside Party at The Castle Hotel & Spa

  Join radio host and food writer Kate Schlientz of at The Castle Hotel [see more...]

How Botox Can Make You Look Younger and Have Flawless Skin By: Dr. Adam Mauer, Cosmetic Dermatologist, NY Health & Wellness

Botox is almost essential in the management of minimally-invasive aesthetic medicine. It preserves skin and [see more...]

Manson Girls-the untold story of Squeaky, Leslie, Gypsy, Katie, Linda, Mary, Sandy & Sadie

WHAT MAKES MANSON GIRLS SPECIAL Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll always attracts attention. But [see more...]

Armonk Woman Launches High-Tech Way to “Bust the Binge”

The Skinny Jeans Diet author creates virtual support group using social media   Lyssa Weiss [see more...]

5 Tips To Protect Your Hair, The Right Way!

Are you protecting your hair correctly? Ricky Pennisi, leading hair stylist, owner of Atelier Salon [see more...]

A Paint Studio and An Upscale Bar? Count Me In!

Muse Paintbar Uncorks in White Plains Studio Combining Painting Instruction with Wine Bar Opens in [see more...]

Sugar Daddy School: Manhattan summit teaches women how to hook rich men; ‘There’s no shame in your sugar’

Sugar Daddy School: Manhattan summit teaches women how to hook rich men; ‘There’s no shame [see more...]

NorthCastle Concierge at your Service

Do you live in Armonk? Have you ever wanted a service that will deliver ANYTHING [see more...]

Calling College Students Wanting to Give Back

  Let’s Get Ready (LGR) provides free SAT tutoring and college application assistance to students of [see more...]

Victory Cup Get tickets to the “Best Party of the Summer” – July 11

Want to attend the “Best Party of the Summer”? Join hundreds of spectators this July [see more...]

Jesse Frohman Book Signing “Kurt Cobain, The Last Session” at sherry b dessert studio

   This Saturday, June 13, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Chappaqua’s sherry b dessert [see more...]

Global Family Reunion Update – Thousands Attend A Record Setting Family Reunion

Sister Sledge Performed “We Are Family,” Henry Louis Gates, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Morgan Spurlock, Spoke [see more...]


Top 3 reasons she’s a SUPERSTAR: Elissa Colón Your daughter is absolutely adorable! 1. Showmanship [see more...]

Celebrate the New look of @Equinox ‪#‎Armonk‬ June 11th

    Party at Equinox on June 11 from 6p-9p to celebrate the new look [see more...]


“There’s an old expression that lawyers use — ‘A man who is his own lawyer [see more...]

Local Byram Hills grads start Grill Cleaning business

If you’re in need of a good grill cleaning I have two words for you…GRILL [see more...]

Hamptons Bound… So, I’m Heading Over to NY Health & Wellness for a Shape-Up/Beauty Tune-Up!

I’ve recently found a real gem here in Westchester and I’m now a regular there. [see more...]

5 Awesome Things that happened when Caitlyn Jenner was on the cover of Vanity Fair

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