Becoming Flawesome with Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani

Reinventing yourself

When you are in a period of reviewing your life, you sometimes need more than the classic mid-life crisis and reinvent yourself material.

Because when you have all that the “books” tell you that you’re supposed to have, what’s next? I mean, you might think you accomplished everything you set up for: financial stability, a successful family life, good hobbies, friends, and yet, something might be missing for you!

Have you known that feeling?

Not just in mid-life crisis, I bet! Or you can see it with your children, or teens! Or within your business, you might be challenged to discover new nuances that help you get a little bit further in!

How do you do that process? Do you usually rediscover yourself alone or with others? Sometimes, connection is on reading about someone that has undergone a lot of transformation in their life! Sometimes, connection is about having a light chit-chat with your besties and having some fun talking about things in everyday life.

But sometimes, you might feel you need some distance to think. That can be because you might need to reinvent yourself before you can connect again!

Connections and being your authentic self

I am a connector: I have been connecting with people, working a lot in my business, and yet, I can get this feeling of “I miss me”. And suddenly, you can forget who you were before your family life, your business,…

Because sometimes, we do things that foster our desire to connect but they might not be aligned anymore with who we are. So, are you doing things because you feel satisfied or just because your besties feel great about doing them? Your besties, family, work colleagues, society in general. What is really authentic to you, now?

Getting to know yourself from an honest perspective is the main takeaway of my read-through Kristina Mand-Lakhiani’s new book, “Becoming Flawesome”. Being a connector, I got really inspired on what are the elements to find myself and connect with everyone I help from a new light.

And it’s not just a simple mid-life crisis book on how you break with your life and just go off the grid. This book is multi-layered – it has deep philosophy, academic research and empirical evidence.

At the same time, it has practical examples from real life, simple exercises and reflection points that helped me understand better the process of finding the me behind all that success.

Being “you” through different layers and values

The book empasizes connection at all levels: with that part of us that is willing to have a more meaningful life, based in utter honesty.

It makes you feel like your flaws are something that can take you to a place where you have a more unique self, and at the same time, a self that can connect and live more truthfully and authentically.

Because sometimes we can feel that if we just focus on being kind, or being happy, or doing something that fulfills us can last forever!

But that is more of an ongoing process: it is something you might want to unfold and discover with the people you connect every day! It is not focused on a single way of being, like being kind, honest or friendly. It has more and different layers to it!

Kristina’s book uncovers the process and the layers of uncovering and accepting all that you are and what you can bring to the world!

The book launched on June 13th, 2023 at major book stores (USA) on Amazon, and on Kristina’s website as well.