When you should visit a pediatrician



You have dreamed of giving birth to a healthy boy or girl for years, and now that dream has come true. You are fortunate indeed. In fact, your newborn seems perfectly happy and healthy to the point that nothing can go wrong. Because of this, you might feel that the services of a pediatrician are really not needed, but little can be further from the truth. During the first year of life especially, your son or daughter should pay regular visits to the doctor no matter how healthy they appear to be. There are health matters that need to be attended to regularly in order to maximize the chances that they will stay healthy for the long term. Continue reading to learn more about four important reasons you need to have regular well baby visits.

Monitor Growth

If you have not noticed, babies can grow rather quickly. This growth, however, is not always seen by the naked eye. There are certain weights that are considered healthy during each of the first few months of a baby’s development. You will want to visit the pediatrician in order to have your infant weighed, measured, and to determine the circumference of his or her head. All of these items help determine if the baby is developing properly and, if not, what should be done to encourage proper growth.

There are also certain soft spots on the head of every infant that the doctor will closely examine to make sure that they have closed as properly as they should. It is also important to have the entire face region of the infant checked regularly during the first year of life. This includes the eyes, mouth, and ears in addition to listening to the heart and lungs. By doing this, any problem signs can be noticed and dealt with early on.

Receive Vaccinations

Infants also need to receive proper vaccinations at regular intervals. This includes the vaccine for hepatitis B, which should be given before even going home from the hospital after delivery. Vaccinations for mumps, whooping cough, and measles should also be given during that first year, along with any other recommended shots that your doctor will suggest. It is important to have these administered by a trained professional and to have them recorded in the child’s medical record for later proof.

Develop a Relationship

You will also want your infant to become comfortable with his or her doctor. Just because your child cannot talk at this point does mean that he or she is not acutely of their surroundings. You want them to begin to feel comfortable around a doctors office. If you go to a group pediatrician office such as Pediatrician Laguna Beach, it’s good to also have your child see some of the other doctors there at times so that they can become comfortable with the group setting. This way, if your usual doctor is out, your child will at least have encountered the replacement doctor at some point in the past already.


If an emergency sickness does occur, it will be much easier to calm your child down if you have already built this relationship. The doctor will also get to know your baby. This is important, as the physician will have a vested interest in making sure that all of their patients stay happy and healthy for the long term. Developing a relationship with the pediatrician helps to further along this process and is mutually beneficial for all parties involved.

Receive Expert Advice

As a parent, you will undoubtedly worry about your infant. The slightest sign of an illness will cause you to lose sleep as you monitor your infant all day and all night. It will put your mind at ease to be able to consult with a doctor who has the best interests of your infant in mind. You will receive expert advice about a whole host of physical and developmental issues. The physician will be able to guide you about proper nutritional techniques, sleep patterns, and so much more.

These are just four of the many reasons to make sure your infant sees a pediatrician on a regular basis throughout the first year of her life. This will help ensure that your son or daughter has the very best medical care possible. You want to make sure your infant is developing properly, and this cannot always be seen just in your daily interactions at home. It takes a professional doctor to know what is going on and to be able to diagnose a problem before it becomes serious.