Author Archives: Stacy G

Property Managers Get Results

Property management companies might vary somewhat regarding the exact services that they provide. All of them [see more...]


      Westchester County has developed its food distribution plan in consultation with our [see more...]

Staying Calm And Centered In Times Of Corona Panic: Amazing At Home Activities To Get Started Today

As COVID-19 slowly makes its way into major cities and small suburbs across the nation, [see more...]

You are not alone!

You may find yourself having moments of disbelief as it relates to our current situation. I [see more...]

Tips to Choose Living Room Furniture in 2020

  No part of your house is less important to you, understandable, but there are [see more...]

Student Loan Consolidation vs Refinancing

  While loan consolidation and refinancing do have some common elements, there are some fundamental [see more...]

7 Things to Do With Your Pet During The Pandemic By Sarah Hodgson

  Sarah at Sarah Says Pets is reimagining the way we live with our pets. [see more...]

Real Estate Laws to Know in 2020

    Real estate laws refer to the laws regulating real estate, property, and ownership [see more...]

Helping Our Children Sleep And Why It Can Be Difficult

  There are many different reasons why children find it difficult to go to sleep, [see more...]

Members Of Westchester’s Hospitality Industry Are Banding Together To Help Those In Need During The COVID-19 Pandemic


Mt. Kisco Diner files for bankruptcy over $1M in labor claims

  Mt. Kisco Diner has filed for bankruptcy protection citing an inability to pay nearly $1 [see more...]

Love in quarantine

With the coronavirus sweeping the globe, many countries are seeing lockdowns, travel restrictions and recommendations [see more...]

Leslie Lampert Delivering Love in Westchester with Plastic Glove Service

  This is great news!! Leslie Lampert is back to delivering Love and Northern [see more...]

Coronavirus Anxiety Syndrome’: Here’s how to take control over your mental health

What a difference a couple of weeks can make. At the beginning of the month, [see more...]

ACT of Connecticut and The Ridgefield Playhouse to Livestream Star-Studded Performance While Adhering to All Social Distancing Recommendations

ACT of Connecticut and The Ridgefield Playhouse will livestream a star-studded performance on Friday March [see more...]

3 Men’s Watch Brands You Need to Know

With graduations coming up, you are probably shopping for the graduates in your life. Watches [see more...]

Are Online Trading and Spread Betting the Same?

Online trading and spread betting are quite different from each other in many important ways. [see more...]

Top 10 Things To Do While “Social Distancing”

1. Have a Game Night 31 Fun Games for Family Game Night 10 Best Adult [see more...] Reveals Huge Spike in Online Dating Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

  The Online Dating Giant Shares Tips and Tricks to Not Let COVID-19 Get in The Way [see more...]