What Dogs Should and Should Never Eat


When taking care of something, we always stress the dos and don’ts, especially if it is a living being. New pets are always a lot of fun, but there are also guidelines as to how to care for them. How often should they go for a walk? What vaccinations should they take? Most commonly: what should they eat? Each animal is different, and each breed falling under the type of animal is also different. For dogs, for instance, what a German Shepherd can eat, a Chihuahua may not be able to. If you are currently raising a dog and are uncertain of the foods they can or cannot eat, read on to find out more.

What They Should Eat


Kibble is ground up food that is shaped into small pellets. They are usually made up of meat, grains, vegetables, and other ingredients. Depending on the type, kibble can be great for your dog as it is easier to digest than raw food. The good thing about kibble is that it can be rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which would usually be quite difficult to feed your dog. Kibble also has fewer bacteria than raw food and is much easier to chew. Experts recommend kibble for smaller dogs as well as puppies.

Some Fruits

There are several types of fruits that are acceptable for dogs to eat. Again, it still depends on your breed, but think of the fruits you always have available so that if you do decide to feed your dog that food, they can get used to it. During the summer, for instance, there is usually the availability of watermelon. So, asking yourself the question is watermelon good for dogs or not is a step in the right direction. The most common fruit available depends on the region you are in, so do some research on your breed and the available fruits so you can create some sort of routine for them.


What They Should Never Eat


Chocolate, caffeine, and sugar (Xylitol) rich foods are all extremely unhealthy for your dog. Chocolate contains both caffeine and sugar, which can make your dog extremely hyperactive. If the caffeine is spilled or the chocolate was taken in extremely small doses though, it will not be extremely detrimental.


This, to a very large extent, depends on the type of dog and the exceptions their owners will make. One peanut or one almond will not cause harm to your dog, but in high doses, they can cause obesity as they are very high in fats.


Of course, your dog is like your baby. You want to make sure you are doing everything correctly so that you do not harm them in any way. Reading this hopefully gave you some insight as to what they can or cannot eat. Further research though is really needed; go online and research the breed itself and what they can handle. You can also ask your vet to be extra careful of the needs your puppy demands just to be on the safe side.