What causes Brain Tumor: Is it treatable?


An Overview: Neurological Disorders

Human bodies are made up of cells. These are tiny blocks that develop tissues and organs inside the body. Cells divide in a controlled manner to make new cells. This is the way human bodies repair, grow and heal. When this system is disturbed, and the cell multiplication becomes abnormal, it gives rise to a Tumor. On further acceleration, it eventually creates lumps in that particular part of the body. Brain Tumor is a medical condition that arises due to the growth or mass of abnormal cells in the brain.

Medical science states that there are different forms of brain tumors. They can be cancerous or malignant and non-cancerous or benign. The brain tumor that initiates from the brain is called a primary tumor. The conditions wherein the cancerous cells from any other body part reach the brain is called a secondary brain tumor. The speed at which brain tumor spreads is subjective. The location of tumors and its growth rate will determine its impact on the nervous system. Also, the treatment for a brain tumor depends upon the type of tumors, its size, and its location.

What Causes Brain Tumor?

Here are some common brain tumor causes:

  1. Family History – If a person has a family history of brain tumor, he or she is vulnerable to this disease in the future. Though only 5-10% of the total number of cancers are genetically transferred! Regular consultation and check-up can prevent help in early diagnosis of the issue.
  2. Age – The risk of comprising brain tumor increases with the increasing age of a person.
  3. Race – Some specific races are more prone to this disease. Some common examples are African-American citizens.
  4. Radiation – People who have been exposed to radiation in the past are vulnerable to this disease. The radiation from the nuclear fallout is one of the significant brain tumor causes.
  5. Chemical Exposures – There are certain chemical and the exposure of which can lead to brain tumors. These chemicals can be found in factories and water bodies.
  6. Chicken Pox – As per the latest research reports, people who have a history of chickenpox in childhood are comparatively safer from brain tumors.

Primary Brain Tumors

Primary Tumors can be cancerous (malignant) and non-cancerous (benign). It is a type of cancer that starts from the brain itself. In other words, the brain is the primary location of this type of tumor. Benign tumors have a slow growth rate and are non-hazardous. But they can create issues when they start pressing any part of the brain.

However, malignant tumors grow at a faster rate and are hazardous. They can damage the nearby brain cells. They can also spread to the spinal cord and other portions of the brain. They have a tendency of recurrence after treatment. Consult your doctor to know the exact nature of the tumor, its grade, and its growth rate.

Secondary Brain Tumors

Cancer, which spreads to the brain from any other body part, is known as a secondary brain tumor. Cancers of bowel, breast, kidney, skin, and lung are more likely to reach the brain. Primary symptoms include seizures, fits, headaches, and so on. The doctor can recommend you either of these procedures; CT or MRI scan to know the exact size, location, and grade of cancer. Treatment can include surgery, radiotherapy, anticonvulsants, anti-cancer medications, and steroids.

How are Brain Tumors Diagnosed?

The doctor can recommend you either of these procedures; CT or MRI scan to know the exact size, location, and grade of cancer.  The diagnosis process will start with a medical examination and analysis of medical history. The doctor will conduct an in-depth neurological investigation to assess the status of cranial nerves that originates from the brain. Eye examination, skull examination, muscle strength, memory, coordination, and ability to do calculations. He can also prescribe further tests if required. Major tests include:

CT scan of Brain

• Angiography

• MRI of Brain

• Biopsy

• Skull X-Rays

Treatment Options: Is Surgery Necessary?

The treatment of brain tumor entirely depends upon:

• The size of the tumor

• Location of tumor

• The type of tumor

• Current Medical condition

Surgery is the primary option for malignant or secondary tumors. But operation can be conducted only when the site of the tumors is accessible. Sometimes, the tumors are scattered at different locations, which makes it difficult for the surgeon to remove it. Tumors in the sensitive area of the brain can also make the situation risky.


A positive approach towards life can help the patient in recovering from this harmful disease. Along with the medical staff, family members and friends also play a vital role in the recovery phase. Make sure you are well-aware of the entire treatment and stay strong throughout.