Category Archives: Lifestyle
13 Movies to Watch on HBO Today
Had enough of Netflix. Here is your chance to watch best picture nominee Mad Max:Fury [see more...]
23 Best Movies On Netflix You Haven’t Yet Seen
It is so easy to get lost in the search. 23 Best Movies On Netflix [see more...]
Harvey Presents: Glenn Close with Pat Collins
There are still some tickets left for this weekend’s Harvey Presents: An Evening with GlennClose [see more...]
Monica Auslander has the Perfect Recipe
Want a filling meal that doesn’t leave you feeling heavy? Monica Auslander, leading nutritionist who [see more...]
4 Tips for a Safer Southern Home
It’s no secret: every mother wants her home to be as safe as possible. [see more...]
10 Things Women Need To Know Who Are Thinking About Divorce
Divorce Advice for Women Thinking about Divorce Like childbirth, I feel that no one tells [see more...]
Kennedy family furnishings from the “Winter White House” will be auctioned Jan 23
Pre-auction exhibition of Kennedy furnishings re-creates “Camelot” in WPB An exhibition of furnishings from the [see more...]
What is your favorite “superfood”?
Unlike high fiber or mise en place, there is no true scientific or culinary [see more...]
Thrive! 7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Every Day
Dr. Stoneham is an executive coach and transformational leadership expert who can discuss many practical [see more...]
6 things you must do when you win the $1.4 Billion Powerball jackpot
What are the best ways to avoid giving away too much of your wealth to [see more...]
Harvey Presents: An Evening with Actress Glenn Close
Stage, screen and TV actress Glenn Close, a six time Academy Award nominee and winner [see more...]
43rd Annual Bedford Art Show
The 43rd Annual Bedford Art Show kicks off with a preview party on Fri, 1/22 [see more...]
Want a Mind-blowing Orgasm?
Ditch the Booze By: Annie Grace Sex and alcohol have a funny relationship. On [see more...]
FREE Career Boost! Meet the HR head of Cake Boss, LinkedIn Experts & More Recruiters Jan 13th
Are you or is your adult child looking to jump start a career in the [see more...]
Private Prep’s Westchester Partner Stefanie Lob Gets Results
Meet Stefanie Lob, Private Prep’s Westchester Partner, and first hire, a company that today boasts [see more...]
15 Netflix Original Series releasing in 2016
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What Westchester Trainers are Eating For Breakfast
Those who help shape Westchester know a lot about how to eat healthy, nutritious, energizing [see more...]
Avoid injury when popping open Champagne bottles to ring in New Year’s.
Chill sparkling wine and Champagne to 45 degrees or colder before opening. The cork of [see more...]
This New Years, Invest in Yourself
You took care of everyone else during the holidays – now it’s time to [see more...]
Bored With Netflix?Try these Movie Sites
Check out Bored With Netflix? Try These Movie Sites Instead by Skip Ferderber at Mode