Author Archives: Stacy G
Nonprofit Thought Leader Dan Pallotta Celebrates National Philanthropy Day with the Association of Fundraising Professionals Westchester NY Chapter on November 10
“The way we think about charity is dead wrong” says nonprofit thought leader Dan Pallotta [see more...]
Ari & Jackie Onassis: Wedding, Yacht, Island & The End
Wedding Bells Heard Round the World This Day in 1968: Lady Bird Johnson cussed out [see more...]
What is Your Money Personality?
“Money personality” is the term often used to designate your subliminal instincts or unconscious [see more...]
Avoiding Foods That Make You Look & Feel Fat for Every Life Occasion When [see more...]
Paul Reiser He’s Still “Mad About” Comedy Oct 22 at Ridgefield Playhouse
Actor, writer and comedian Paul Reiser return to the The Ridgefield Playhouse for a great [see more...]
Office Party Pitfalls: Offensive Halloween costumes you should never wear
Lots of companies throw Halloween parties and hold costume contests, but unless everyone is on [see more...]
Healthy Guru The Fitness, Fashion & Wellness Event of Fall 2016
Featuring Celebrity Trainers Trish Donegan, Justin Gelband, Carlos Leon and more… WHAT: Healthy [see more...]
Do you keep losing your readers?
I do, in fact I have one in every room and I still can’t find [see more...]
Greenwich Restaurant Week & Opening Night Party- Thursday, November 10th
The 3rd Annual Greenwich Restaurant Week begins on November 11th, 2016. Local restaurants have the [see more...]
How To Raise Thrifty And Generous Teenagers
From piggy banks to that first savings account, many children are taught the value of [see more...]
9 diet tips for FAST results
11 Dieting Tips That Show Results in a Week or Less Try these nine easy [see more...]
Fall in Love with Autumn in Westchester County Enjoy Foliage, Food and Fun in the Heart of the Hudson Valley this Fall
Nothing says autumn better than a visit to Westchester County. Enjoy the crisp fall air [see more...]
Oasis Week Luxury You want at the prices You can afford
Some say age is an issue of mind over matter at Oasis Day Spa they say age [see more...]
News! White Plains Hospital First In #Westchester To Perform Innovative Surgical Technique For ‘Irreparable’ Shoulder Injuries
Now There’s Hope! Procedure Is Less Invasive, Less Traumatic Helps Restore Shoulder Mechanics [see more...]
Spa Week Hits Westchester: Your Path to Wellness Starts Here
Spa Week’s October 17th-23rd Event allows millions to experience the revitalizing and relaxing benefits of spa treatments [see more...]
Dr. Sabrina Magid Katz to Co-Chair YWCA Movers & Shakers Fundraiser
The YWCA White Plains & Central Westchester is hosting its Third Annual Movers & Shakers [see more...]
Survey: Gen Z, Millennials struggle with ‘Adulting’
This is a very different generation than any that has come before. Millennials are putting [see more...]
Simon Mall, Harper’s BAZAAR and The Pediatric Cancer Foundation to host an afternoon of luxe fashion
The Pediatric Cancer Foundation (PCF) celebrated its 46th year in style today at its annual [see more...]
Cheating: Out of the frying pan, into the bedroom
Nearly 85% of women say they find men who can cook unbelievably sexy 60% say [see more...]