Author Archives: Stacy G

The 10 Reasons Why You Should Start Doing Squats Today

By the time we have reached the age of 30 the muscles used to straighten [see more...]

How to Build Your Own Infrared Sauna at Home

    Self-care is on the mind of many these days, especially figuring out ways [see more...]

When Do You Require a Lawyer for Pursuing Personal Injury Claims?

  Not every claim that you are thinking of against another party would necessitate the [see more...]

Why Eating Healthily Is Never ‘A Sacrifice’

    Eating healthily tastes great, it can help keep you fit, it allows you [see more...]

Hey You! You’re Worth All The Self-Care In The World

  It’s good to be kind to people. It’s good to be heartfelt, and sincere, [see more...]

A Complete Guide to Changing Careers

  Some people will dream about changing careers for decades without ever acting on this [see more...]

How can you use color and lighting to make your home the best and improve the mood?

Light and color have a major effect on the mood of your home. Having a [see more...]

New Exhibition, Curious Figurations opens this Saturday May 22nd at The Art Closet Gallery In Chappaqua NY 1-5:30pm

Music by Jimmy Tate Food By Ibiza Kitchen King Kone Ice Cream Truck 1:30-2:30 70 [see more...]

The Top SEO Tools for Summer 2021

We are winding down the third quarter, so it is time to start evaluating our [see more...]

The Benefits of Selling Your Old Textbooks

  If you are a college student and tend to purchase your textbooks for studies, [see more...]

The Top Three CBD Hemp Oil Benefits You Should Experience

  The debate over the benefits of the marijuana plant has been going on for [see more...]

4 of the Best Self Defense Techniques

  Unfortunately, our world is not perfect and physical attacks happen every day. All of [see more...]

The best platform to purchase Instagram thumbs-up

Today we’d like to tell you about the best platform to purchase Instagram thumbs-up and [see more...]

6 Factors to Consider When Buying New Refrigerators

Is it time to do some kitchen refreshing? Maybe you’re doing a total remodel, or [see more...]

Falafel Place officially opens in downtown White Plains 204 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601

 The White Plains BID, White Plains Mayor Tom Roach, and Falafel Place owners Tamara and [see more...]

Head to the incredible Hudson Valley for a quick 24 hour getaway!

After countless emails, texts, dm’ and being questioned literally everywhere she goes lol …my friend [see more...]

Why Is Everyone Dreaming Of Owning A Countryside House?

  The idea of living by lush greenery, carefully manicured gardens, or a shimmering lake [see more...]

Elle Magazine’s Nina Garcia & Fashion Fights Cancer Art Curation & Conversation for Mental Health Awareness Month

      Join us on Monday, May 17th! Join us on Monday, May 17th [see more...]

Study Shows How A Vegan Diet Can Improve Overall Health

A recent investigation found that a vegan diet can make you happier and even more productive at [see more...]

Maye Musk: Author, Dietitian, Speaker, Model. Join Blonde Talks Instagram Live Today, Thursday, May 13th @ 1:00PM EST

Join our Blonde Talks Instagram Live   May 13th @ 1:00 PM with Author/Dietitian/Speaker/Model, Maye Musk, Photographer & Art Director, Roman Varlamov, and Director [see more...]