Why Eating Healthily Is Never ‘A Sacrifice’



Eating healthily tastes great, it can help keep you fit, it allows you to avoid huge insulin spikes and deep lethargy after each meal, it’s fun to prepare, and moreover, it helps you feel so much better each day. So why do we feel that committing to eating healthily can be a chore, and why do we fall off the wagon from time to time?

Well, of course, unhealthy food is often easier to prepare. Throw a pizza in the oven or order some takeout noodles or tower burgers and you can feel on top of the world, without really having to spend time earning it. Of course, doing that is fine, and you shouldn’t feel bad about the odd indulgence. However, it can sometimes be that healthy eating feels like a huge chore, and this may get us into negative cycles of only eating quick, nutritionally lacking food.

In this post, we’ll discuss why in 2021 eating healthily is never a sacrifice, and how to alter your thinking to keep up with your dietary goals:

Substitutes Don’t Have To Be Inferior

We sometimes think that ‘the healthy option’ is somehow less indulgent or less tasty than what we may opt for usually. This is because we fail to see just what the benefits of substitutes are, and how effective they can be. For instance, Jackfruit, with a lovely barbecue sauce addition, can be as tasty as pulled pork. Using monk fruit as a sweetener can help you add a lovely sweet extract to your drinks, helping you avoid the sugar/artificial sweetener options. Your substitutes don’t have to be inferior, in fact, they can be better.

You Can Feel Satiated Properly

We often think of healthy eating as minimal portions, lessening carbs, and feeling hungry for half the day. But that’s not true at all. You can feel more than satiated eating a healthy diet, and in fact, meals like rolled oats, fibrous vegetables, steamed broccoli, beautiful marinades, and sauces, as well as complex carb alternatives (IE brown rice over white rice) can be tremendously useful too. You CAN feel satiated, and perhaps without the ‘food coma,’ we usually get from heavier foods.

Automate It, And Routine Becomes Easy

You don’t have to try to focus on world cuisine or dig up a range of superfoods with health benefits that are continually being researched, alongside experimental supplements to keep eating healthy. Just automate your meal plan, and your routine becomes easy to deal with, and you find yourself able to eat with convenience. For instance, a technique many people use is ‘meal prep Sunday,’ where you cook a few batches of meals for the rest of the week and freeze them as appropriate. This way, you can make sure you’re continually eating great food, saving plenty of time during the week. In that respect, you’re sure to avoid popping into a fast food place when you’re trying to eat healthily.

With this advice, we hope you can understand that eating healthily never has to be ‘a sacrifice’ but can serve as a great new life choice.