Key Tips To Help Lower The Risk Of Getting A Migraine



Migraine is a common health challenge, and close to 39 million Americans suffer from this debilitating condition. People who experience migraines describe it as a sharp, throbbing pain on one side of the head, accompanied by blurry vision, eye ache, sensitivity to sound and light, earache, and sometimes nausea.


What makes migraines a major concern is the repetitive nature of the pain. It can become so severe as to incapacitate someone from carrying out their usual routine. People suffering from migraines can learn to reduce the risks and avoid migraine triggers. Here are six top tips that can help you lower the risk of getting migraines.


1. Rest well


This is the first significant step, if you want to prevent migraines. The leading cause of migraines is the lack of adequate rest. Sleep deprivation overworks the body system, and this can result in a migraine.


Resting is a period of inactivity which may or may not involve sleeping. It revitalizes your body and brings it to a state of homeostasis. Unfortunately, most people don’t rest enough due to busy schedules, underlying health issues, or inability to sleep, otherwise known as insomnia.


Sometimes, poor quality sleep is also linked to a bad bed. It is advisable to change your bed if you suspect it is affecting the quality of your sleep. Changing such a bed will be a significant step to avoiding a migraine.


For more information on the best mattresses for migraines, check Kate Barrington’s post on Bed advisor.


2. Have A Healthy Routine


Living a healthy life is the surest way to avoid migraines. Your lifestyle can be a causative or contributing factor to your migraine. Practicing a healthy lifestyle will take considerable effort and discipline; however, your body will thank you for it.


A healthy lifestyle involves eating right, exercising regularly, sleeping well, and taking care of mental health. You can solicit help and encouragement from your friends to ensure that you stick to a healthy routine. You can also form a health club with them or seek professional help to keep you on track.


Doing all these will ensure you live a quality life and reduce the chances of having migraine considerably. Besides, forming a health club with friends can ensure you live healthily and still have fun. The most important thing is that you have a consistent routine.


3. Check That Caffeine

Caffeine is usually a significant component of pain relief remedies and drugs. While caffeine can keep you awake and increase energy levels, it could be a major trigger for migraines. \


Therefore, it is essential to check your caffeine level. You may not necessarily need to cut off all caffeine, but you need to reduce the quantity of caffeine you consume per day, if you are susceptible to having migraines.


You can replace caffeine with water. Most people underestimate the power of taking adequate water. It has been estimated that the average human needs a minimum of 3 litres of water intake daily to meet the body’s water requirement during metabolism.


A lot of health issues, including migraines have been linked to not drinking enough water and dehydration. Therefore, you need to create a plan for taking enough water daily.


4. Stay in A Cool Area


Staying under the sun for too long or in a room that is brightly lit can cause migraines. This means that if you are at risk of migraines, some of the things you would like to avoid are places with bright lights or loud noises.


It’s advisable to use a pair of sunshades when going out in the afternoon and, as often as possible, stay away from the harsh sun.


5. Practice Meditation


Incorporating meditation and other relaxation techniques can help reduce the risks of migraines. Meditation is an exercise that helps in relaxing your whole body. It helps the mind the way exercises do. Meditation involves sitting down with eyes closed, while you focus

on your breathing till you reach a state of mental bliss.


Regular meditation can ease out stress and help calm your nerves. It is also a major form of resting and, thus, a way to prevent migraines. Meditation should be part of your routine if you tend to think a lot. It can help clear your mind, reduce stress and anxiety, which are common triggers for migraine.



6. Pay Attention to Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes and imbalances can trigger migraines in women. Most women usually experience migraines before or during their menstruation cycle. By monitoring these changes and taking preventive measures, you can avoid migraines during these periods. Some of the things you can try includes eating right, exercising, and getting adequate sleep.


Besides, the use of oral contraceptives can also increase the frequency of migraines. If you notice you always have migraines when on birth control, you can talk to your doctor to find a safer birth control option.



Pills and other forms of medication may not be the safest solution to migraine. It is always better to find natural approaches to reduce and, if possible, prevent the occurrence of migraines. By avoiding known triggers, resting well, reducing caffeine intake, and practicing meditation, you can significantly reduce migraines, stay healthy and functional.