Common Causes of a Flushed Complexion


skin-flushingA flushed complexion can be the result of many different causes and the symptoms might be different in every individual. Flushed skin is a sudden and common physical response that can be triggered by a range of situations or stimuli like anxiety, stress, embarrassment, anger, or another extreme emotional state.


Skin flushing, is usually characterized by a sudden reddening of the neck area, as well as the face and upper chest. This is due to blood racing to the surface of the skin, causing patches of redness that are also visible when blushing. There are different causes of skin flushing and results might be different for every individual, but normally this is easy to prevent and to treat.


Spicy Foods


Some people react to spicy foods like peppers and this can cause redness in the neck and face area. Foods like cayenne pepper, chilli and paprika can also have this effect. These foods will raise your body temperature and in turn it will cause facial redness and sometimes an irritation as well.


Emotional Triggers


Some extreme emotions in individuals can trigger a flushed complexion. If you are deeply embarrassed for example, or become anxious, this can cause a redness in the face and neck area. People might have the same effect with extreme anger or sadness. Crying can also cause red blotches on the neck.




Rosacea is a skin condition that allows for redness and swelling; although the exact cause of rosacea is not known at this stage, inflammation can worsen the effects. People between the ages of 30 and 50 are most susceptible to rosacea and they should avoid stress, spicy foods and hot temperatures.


Other common causes of a flushed complexion can include alcohol consumption, menopause, high temperatures or fever, Cushing’s disease, medical reactions and Carcinoid syndrome.


There are various treatment options available that can help you to reduce the effects of these red flushes. If home remedies don’t solve this you might want to make an appointment with a doctor to verify if there are perhaps other underlying issues that you are unaware of. The first thing to do is to avoid common triggers like spicy foods, hot beverages and bright sunlight. Remove yourself from high stress situations and environments, and try to do regular exercises to stay fit and healthy.


If these symptoms do not get any better, you can make an appointment with your physician, who will take a look at what you have tried so far and determine what the underlying cause might be. Depending on the findings you will be given medication and other treatments that you can use to reduce the effects of your flushed complexion.


Preventing Flushing


There is no definite way in which you can completely prevent flushing, but you can significantly reduce the risk by taking a few preventative measures. This includes reducing your alcohol consumption, avoiding high temperatures, reducing stress, exercising regularly and ensuring that you don’t consume high amounts of niacin. This might just help to significantly reduce its effects.




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