Author Archives: Stacy G

Want to hit the road? 5 tips for new drivers

  Is there anything more exciting than getting your drivers’ license? Enjoying your first taste [see more...]

Neha O’Rourke on Energy, Mental Health, and Working from Home

    With millions of Americans and global citizens in self-quarantine, lock down, or work [see more...]

Mental Health Tips for Cabin Fev

With the need for people to continue to function and maintain good mental and physical [see more...]

Diet & Exercise Are Great… But Are You Neglecting These Aspects of Your Health?

It seems that, international pandemic aside, we’ve never been more obsessed with our health. Every [see more...]

Creamy Artichoke Soup Filled with Fiber

20/20 CREAMY ARTICHOKE SOUP   Thanks to Meghan AKA @fabulousfiber_  for this fiber fabulous recipe  [see more...]

4 Signs That Your Body Needs More Water

You’ve heard it again and again–drink more water. For some, drinking the required amount of [see more...]

How to Enjoy Your Coronavirus Staycation

Families are being forced to self-quarantine and hang out with each other rather than finding [see more...]

How to (Kind of) Survive Working from Home Full-Time

  1. Don’t Day Drink. All jokes aside, it is a terrible idea. Have I done it? Yes. [see more...]

Health Apps: Are They Useful And What to Look For

  Smartphones and mobile devices have changed our lives in ways we could never have [see more...]

‘It Has All Gone to Hell’: Businesses, workers bled dry by coronavirus

There’s a limit to what the government can do. The Fed can lower rates to [see more...]

How to Order at a Restaurant When Following a Strict Diet

Over twenty-five percent of adults in the United States are physically inactive. A bad diet [see more...]

Jewelry That Goes Beyond Fashion

All the fashion freak girls, let’s admit that living high on fashion is not easy! [see more...]

3 Useful Tips in Choosing Your Pre-Wedding Photography Locations

  Are you busy preparing for your wedding? With your hectic schedule, you might miss [see more...]

7 reasons why it’s hard to control your coronavirus anxiety

The novel coronavirus has a long list of terrifying characteristics, spurring people from Japan to [see more...]

Woman who survived coronavirus shares her early symptoms

At last comes a measure of reassurance about the effects of the global pandemic: A woman [see more...]

5 Ways Using CBD Gives You Energy In The Morning

  Not everyone loves to wake up early in the morning. A lot of adults [see more...]

Why Gender-Focused Dating Apps are Better Than Traditional Ones

  Dating apps have become more popular ever than before, as more people no longer [see more...]

Relieving Anxiety: Here’s How to Do It

Anxiety is one of the worst conditions to deal with. It takes a lot of [see more...]

What To Do On A Luxury Bali Vacation

  Bali is a vibrant and diverse tropical paradise — a tourist hotspot during the [see more...]

3 Reasons Why Custom Frames Are the Best

    Memories mean the world to most people. The first wedding photo as husband [see more...]