Anti-Aging Tips: Rehydrate Your Skin



You already know that taking good care of your skin is crucial if you want it to look youthful and reduce the signs of aging, but this doesn’t just mean using the right products and making sure you apply skin cream.

You also need to make sure you are hydrating enough with water, and adding hydration back into your skin to keep its youthful glow.

How Water Affects Aging

First of all, you should know that dehydration can affect your skin just as much as your body. You may have noticed that your skin starts getting blotchy, your acne worsens, and your skin becomes looser and thinner on days when you don’t have a lot of water.

Many people are chronically dehydrated, not realizing these types of physical effects are simply because they are not getting enough water on a regular basis. You can resolve this issue by drinking more water, as well as re-adding hydration to your skin with the right moisturizers.

You want something light and refreshing that won’t weigh down your sensitive, thin skin until you get that hydration back.

Determining How Much Water You Need

The amount of water you need each day to hydrate properly is a little subjective, since it depends on many factors of your lifestyle. If you are out in the sun a lot where you are sweating, or you participate in heavy fitness, you should be drinking more water in order to make up for the sweating.

You may also need more water if your diet consists of a lot of salt, or if you need more electrolytes on a low-carb diet. While the average amount is 64 ounces a day, your body might need a little more.

A good indication you are well hydrated is looking at the color of your urine. It should be clear or almost clear when you are drinking enough water.


Tips For Drinking More Water

If drinking a lot of water is a struggle for you, you simply need to change your lifestyle. Choose a water bottle you enjoy using, keep bottles of water in your car and in your home, and try to reduce other beverages.

You will be thirsty when you aren’t drinking as much soda or juice, helping you to replace the beverages with more water. You can also try flavoring your water if that helps you to drink it more often.