You’ve just spent the last couple months anticipating and planning your summer activities: The fabulous parties you’ll host, the exciting trips you’ll go on, the must-tackle projects you’ll finally get to. But let’s face it, when summer finally arrives, it’s a whirlwind. Before your summer comes and goes in a flash, take a moment to think about what you’d really like to accomplish in those heavenly months. Need some ideas? We’ve got you covered…
1. Learn a new trick
Ever tried stand-up paddle boarding (SUP)? Long a favorite of celebs (think Cindy Crawford in Hawaii), SUP is a great workout and a peaceful way to explore your favorite body of water. And you can do it right here in Westchester! If that’s really not your thing, how about outdoor boot camp, yoga, hiking, spinning? It’s time you break out of your exercise comfort zone!
2. Be a great houseguest
Invited for a weekend away? Say “Yes!” But to make sure you get invited back next year, do the following. (1) Bring the perfect housegift: The ladies at Nest Inspired have loads of unique finds. (2) Make it a treat: Show up with freshly baked pastries, fleur de sel caramels, or artisan dark chocolate to start the weekend off sweetly. (3) Say thank you: Sorry ladies, email thank you notes just don’t cut it. Treat yourself to some proper printing and show your hostess truly how much you appreciated her hospitality.
3. Read a Book
Yes, but not just any book. Not the “have-to-reads” that have been piling up on your nightstand that will teach you how to discipline your kids better, get in shape, or fix your life. Read a book that will make you smile and that you can relate to. ON GRACE, a debut by local author Susie Orman Schnall, is just the one. It’s about friendship, fidelity, and finding yourself at 40. Better yet, it’s based in Westchester so you’ll recognize your favorite places: Moderne Barn anyone? Want more recommendations? Patrick at Arcade Books will absolutely point you in the right direction.
4. Organize Your Organizing
You promise yourself every year that you’llz clean the closets and do the photo albums while the kids are at camp all day. Every year. But instead of trying to tackle such an overwhelming task on your own, spend one day with a professional organizer making a plan. She’ll reduce the frightening project to bite-size pieces that you can conquer on rainy day here and a cloudy day there. Want to DIY? The Container Store has everything you’ll need, including demonstrations on some weekends.
5. Master Social Media
There’s only so much you’re willing to learn from your kids. It gets a little embarrassing after a while: the eye rolls, the put-down stares from an 11-year-old. But, let’s face it, it’s time you understand how to pin, whom to tweet, and what to Instagram. It’s just not enough anymore to brag that you know how to update your status on Facebook! Visit Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram, spend 15 minutes—tops—on their tutorial pages, and you’ll be a pro in no time. Then you can finally throw away that ratty folder with all those inspiration photos for your someday living room because they’ll be on your Pinterest boards; you can keep up on the latest gossip/news/career tips on your Twitter feed; and be the envy of your friends with the latest photos on Instagram! You’ll wonder what you ever did without them. By the way don’t forget to follow me!
6. Get Well
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What a fun website. A friend just suggested I like your page on FB. I’m over 40, but young at heart so I think I would certainly enjoy reading On Grace.