What You Need to Know Before Using Retinol



Retinol is a popular ingredient in skincare products. While many users have proven its effectiveness, some people are cautious about trying it because others had a bad experience using it. If you want to try adding it to your skincare regimen but have second thoughts about its safety, you don’t have to worry about it. If you use it properly, you will reap the benefits with minimal side effects.

This ingredient is a type of Vitamin A that helps improve collagen production and cell regeneration. As a result, it prevents various signs of aging, like wrinkles, and makes the skin look younger. You may experience peeling, dryness, itchiness, and redness, but they eventually disappear as your skin becomes accustomed to the product. But if the side effects are severe, consult a dermatologist right away. It’s also not recommended for breastfeeding or pregnant women. 


But before you use this ingredient, here’s additional information you should know to make your use as safe as possible. 


Use a small amount for a few days only

Retinol could cause irritation, so to prevent harsh effects and allow the skin to adjust, limit its use at first. Apply only a small amount one or two times a week. Since it can make the skin more sensitive to the sun, it’s best to use it at night before bed. For first-time users, go for a product with lower retinol concentration, as it’s safer. Once your skin gets accustomed to it, you can gradually increase the frequency until you can apply it every night. 


You can start early

This ingredient is famous for its anti-aging properties, which is why users are mostly over 30 years old. However, even those in their mid-20s are now starting to use it. You, too, can begin early as the benefits are more than just the prevention of early signs of aging. It’s great for the skin in general. 


Don’t skip the sunscreen

Be sure to apply sunscreen daily because, as mentioned, retinol could make your skin more sensitive to the sun. So, if you know you will stay under the sun for a long time, skip the application of retinol to prevent severe side effects. 


Apply on the neck and chest too

Your face should not be the only area where you apply the retinol; include the neck and chest, too. These parts are also prone to wrinkles and other skin problems, so don’t skip the product application. If those areas are more sensitive than your face, use a moisturizer enriched with ceramide.

You will not see the effects of using retinol overnight. However, with constant use, you will notice signs of improvement in weeks.