Top 5 Things to Look For in Shoes for Running


If you’re looking for shoes for running, you’ll want to make sure you get a good pair. Click here for some things to look for for a comfortable fit.

Did you know that nearly half of recreational runners experience at least one running-related injury?

If you’re new to running, this can make or break your new workout routine. Many runners never come back to running after sustaining an injury.

So how do you avoid having this happen to you? The first step is to use the correct equipment, including specific shoes for running. A good running shoe can make all the difference between a painful, injury-causing run and a risk-free, easy-breezy run.

For the new runner, looking through the types of running shoes out there can be an overwhelming task. If you’ve found yourself staring glossy-eyed at never-ending online lists of running shoes, stop right here. Check out these five tips for choosing the most comfortable shoes for your next run.

1. Get Your Feet Measured

When buying your shoes from a specialty store, the salesperson will measure your feet for you. If you’re planning to buy your shoes online, though, you’ll need to complete this step yourself.

Stand on a blank piece of paper. Keep your weight balanced over your foot, and trace your foot shape onto the piece of paper. Use this tracing to measure the width and length of your foot.

To get the most accurate fit, wear the socks you plan to wear while running in the shoes.

Repeat this process for your other foot. Use the measurements from your bigger foot to determine your running shoe size. Your running shoe size may be different than your standard street shoe size.

While you can follow this process, it’s easiest to do it with the help of a salesperson. They’ll know which shoe size is best for your foot measurements. They can also take other factors into consideration, such as whether you’ve had injuries in the past or if you need a certain kind of ankle support.

2. Know What You’ll Use the Shoes For

Besides knowing the surface type you plan to run on, it can be helpful to know the kind of running you plan on doing. Interval training, for example, requires different support than running a marathon. Your salesperson needs to know your running style to provide you with the right shoe recommendations.

When shoe shopping on your own, look at customer reviews and product descriptions. You’ll often find clues in these two places about the kind of running workout that the shoes are best for.

3. Focus On Fit as Much as Model

Even with an amazing shoe like the Nike Air Force 270 utility will only be as good as the fit of the shoe. Even the best-crafted shoe could leave you open to injury if it’s not the right fit for your foot.

When you try on the shoes, walk around in them. Make sure that the heel doesn’t slip and that your foot feels supported. If someone holds the heel of your shoe to the ground, you shouldn’t be able to slip your heel up and out of the shoe.

You should also have about a thumb width’s worth of space between the tip of your longest toe and the front of the shoe. When you run, your feet will expand, so having this room at the front of your shoe will keep your feet from feeling cramped. Some people even suggest shoe shopping in the afternoon or evening, after your feet have had a chance to swell throughout the day.

If the shoe doesn’t feel like the right fit, try another pair of the same kind of shoe. Since many running shoes are mass-produced, one pair may fit better than another. If neither works, search for a new model or brand of shoe.

4. Take Them for a Test Run

If you have the opportunity to try out the shoes before you buy them, do it. Some of the tips listed above will help you guess if a shoe will work for you. However, the only way to truly know is to run in the shoes.

At the time of purchase, ask the store about their return policy. When shopping online, make sure that you’re able to return the shoes if you need to. Running shoes are an investment, and you could be out hundreds of dollars if the shoes end up not working for you.

5. Replace Them on Time

In this instance, “on time” refers to the number of miles that you’ve run in the shoes, not a specific time frame.

You should replace running shoes after 300 to 500 miles of use. If you run an average of ten miles a week, for example, this could be anywhere from six months to almost a year. If you run twice this amount, you’ll need to replace your shoes twice as often.

Even with these benchmarks, the range is huge. How do you know whether you should replace your shoes after 300 miles or 500 miles?

The short answer is that you’ll be able to feel when your shoes need to be replaced. Your legs will feel more tired after your standard runs, and you might even notice some joint pain. Even noticing a different fit in your shoes without painful symptoms could mean that it’s time to get a new pair.

To maximize the lifespan of your running shoes, only use them for running. Wearing running shoes throughout the day or during other kinds of workouts places stress on the shoes in ways that they aren’t built to withstand, making them wear out more quickly than they need to.

Use These Tips the Next Time You Buy Shoes for Running

Follow these five tips to find your most comfortable shoes for running. While no two running shoes are made exactly alike, you’re sure to find what you need if you know your foot type, the kind of activity you’ll be doing, and ensure the right fit.

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