Things to Know Before Moving to California



If you are thinking about relocating to California, you should probably learn a few things about the state. Here are some things that you should know before moving to California:


The Higher Education is Great

If you are thinking about advancing your education, California is the best place to do it. You can also move to this state if you have high school kids that would like to live at home while in college. In California, you can take advantage of the in-state tuition that the state offers.


Although the in-state tuition has risen over the years, it is still discounted for residents.


Non-residents have to pay a lot more to get through college. You can study at one of the best colleges in the country without paying an arm and a leg.

Once you move to California, starting a business there is pretty easy.
Especially if you decide to start an LLC. It can literally be done in a matter of days.

And it’s no surprise that California is the wealthiest state in the U.S., so you won’t have any problem finding rich clientele.

It Has Amazing Scenery

Are you an outdoor enthusiast or a nature lover? You will love living in this state. You have a number of state parks and national parks from which you can choose. With plentiful skiing, surfing, swimming, and hiking opportunities, you will not run out of things to do. If you are on a shoestring budget, exploring the outdoors will provide great entertainment while you are in California.


It Is Easy to Remain Healthy in California

If you are looking to improve your diet by eating more fresh produce, California is the place to be. Do you love fresh juice? The Golden State is the perfect place for you. If you love eating out but do not like gluten, sugar, and meat, you are more likely to find the right eatery in California than in other states.


When living in urban areas such as, you will notice that healthy living is big in California. Due to this, you can afford to be fussy about your diet.


You Will Need a Car

Unless you are moving to San Francisco, you will need a car in California. When apartment hunting online, you will see ads such as Aventine apartments for rent in Hercules; make sure that you check the distance between your potential home and workplace to figure out whether you will need a car.  


California is a big state with low-density communities, which means that the transit options are limited. Traffic might become a permanent fixture in your life depending on where you plan to live. For this reason, you should choose your area of residence carefully.


Housing is a Big Topic

When it comes to housing, it is a big topic in California. In fact, housing is out of reach for some people in certain cities. Even the upper-middle class usually has a hard time affording a house in this state. Moreover, the supply of houses is low due to local zoning rules.


Some parts of California have not recovered from the great recession and some homeowners are drowning in mortgages. If you live in California and have a house that you can afford, you are one of the lucky few.


It is a Testing Area for Renewable Energy

If you would like to place some solar panels in your home and sell power back to the grid, California is the ideal place for you. Although solar energy is a big deal in California, selling it to the grid is not easy. People with rooftop solar systems pay contentious fees because of a continuing battle between solar power advocates and utility companies.



If you have already decided to move to California, the above information might come in handy. Because moving to a new state is not easy, you should find out as much as possible about it.