The Importance Of Solar And Battery Storage For Eliminating Blackouts

One of the most annoying problems that any homeowner has to deal with is the loss of power, especially during extreme weather conditions. Whether it’s unexpected or you aren’t prepared, it can put your family at risk. With more people making the switch to solar and having battery storage as well, they are making blackouts far less likely. If you don’t want to be a victim of the loss of power, learn why installing solar and battery storage is one of your best choices.

Understanding Your Problem

With extreme temperatures, there has undoubtedly been an increase in energy consumption. In these instances, certain sources of power are unavailable, or they have barely any effect on keeping a household running. As a result, it can put a tremendous strain on the electrical grid. In Florida, there have been certain areas with days or even weeks of excessive heat warnings. There’s always that possibility of a hurricane as well. People are seeking ways to have a reliable source of power when these situations occur.

Solar And Battery Storage Is An Effective Solution

Did you know it’s still possible to keep your home powered during a complete blackout? Families who have previously installed solar with a backup battery have some of the best protection they can possibly imagine. If there was a loss of power in your neighborhood, having the battery backup makes all the difference. Remember it this way with solar panels: during the day, they are routing the extra power back to the grid. The stored energy in the battery is a lifesaver that you can rely on during an emergency situation.

Solar Installation Is Popular In Florida

If you’re considering solar panel installation in Florida, you’re not alone. It’s not called “The Sunshine State” for no reason. This state gets an abundant amount of sunny days throughout the year, making it ideal for property owners who are considering going solar. In fact, on average, there are more than 230 days of sunshine annually. With its warm climate and long sunny days, Florida has a high solar potential, making solar panels an efficient and effective renewable energy source. When you want to maximize energy savings, it’s hard to go wrong with this kind of investment.

Since you’re making a choice to install a photovoltaic (PV) system, in your home, you can also take advantage of Florida solar tax credits. Here, you can qualify for a hefty financial incentive that makes the possibility of enjoying solar more readily available for more homeowners. When you combine the savings that you get along with the protection for your home, you can see why more people are making the change.

How To Get Started With Solar In Your Area

There are a few things to consider if you’re thinking about installing solar panels on your property. You’ll undoubtedly have a few questions ranging from how solar works to how to start the process. One of the best things you can do is have a trusted company come to your site for a consultation. They will evaluate your property and answer any questions you have. Then, you can decide what option works best.