Overcome Agraphobia and Feel Free

There are many fears that people have in everyday life, but few are as serious and troubling as that of Agraphobia. This is the real fear of becoming a victim of sexual abuse, no matter if it is real or imagined. Some people suffering from Agraphobia have been victims of such abuse in the past, while many others because extremely fearful because of all of the media coverage circulating about this very issue. One cannot discount this fear because it creates real anxiety and it prevents adults from enjoying intimate relationships with people that they care about the most in this world. Thankfully, there are ways of overcoming Agraphobia beginning to feel free once again.

Understanding the Symptoms

As with any phobia, it is important to learn about fear of sexual abuse by first understanding the underlying symptoms. This is not a passing feeling that one has when considering a sexual relationship. It is a constant and debilitating fear that prevents a person from enjoying one of the pleasures of life. The symptoms are pronounced, cannot be discounted, and they differ from one individuals suffering from agraphobia to the next.

One of the more noticeable symptoms that an individual with this fear will have is an extreme anxiety or dread of ever entering into a sexual relationship. The other person may not understand it, and might take the reluctance to be intimate as a rejection. The reality is that this dread and anxiety is so overwhelming, that sex could not possibly be enjoyed until the fear is overcome. Other common symptoms include irritability, feelings of powerlessness, and avoidance of intimacy altogether. There are other symptoms as well. If you or a loved one is having these real feelings of fear, you will want to seek professional guidance and support.

The Causes

Many people rightfully wonder what causes agraphobia in the first place. Just as with many diagnosed phobias today, one does not have to be a victim of sexual abuse to experience this continual and pronounced fear. To be fair, this is where many people do encounter agraphobia, however, so it warrants mentioning. Individuals might have been abused as a child or adult, or they might have been witness to such abuse. In some cases, these experienced have been repressed in the memory and they come out when a sexual encounter draws near.

There are other factors that lead to agraphobia as well. With all of the media exposure surrounding sexual abuse in society today, some people begin to develop an overwhelming fear that they will become a victim themselves. This fear may be entirely unwarranted, but it nonetheless consumes them every time sexual intimacy with another person becomes a real possibility. Unless these fears are dealt with, they will likely continue unabated for years, and possibly even get worse.

Support Networks

Many people wonder what they can do to overcome agraphobia. While some people might be able to effectively deal with the fear on their own, many others will need to have some kind of support in order to do so. Support groups are a way to begin the path back to living a freer and more fulfilling life. It is common for many people suffering from a fear of sexual abuse to feel that they are the only ones. Many feel that nobody really understands the root of their fear, and possibly even looks down upon them because of the issues they have. This is far from the case. Individuals with agraphobia are definitely not alone, but until they join a network of other people experiencing the same type of fear, they may never realize that. Browse our CBD store and buy cbd oil easily.

A support group is a safe place where people can talk about their fears, experiences, and triumphs in life. Practical advice will be given that can, over time, lead to a lessening of the phobia. This is all a part of the path towards overcoming the phobia itself. It is important to remember that people experiencing agraphobia should not feel that there is something wrong with them. Feelings are real, and they cannot simply be discarded. However, some feelings does need to be dealt with a in a positive and decisive manner in order to live a free life once again.