More than 1 in 3 Stressed out by Subscription Services

Between beauty boxes, fitness apps, and streaming services, it seems there’s a subscription service for just about everything. A majority (95%) of Americans say they believe subscription-based business models will become more prominent over the next few years, but consumers’ feelings about them are mixed.

A new nationwide survey found that only 22% of Americans strongly favor subscription services and 38% say they actually add stress to their life, rather than relieve it.

  • The 5 most popular types of subscriptions: entertainment, technology, food/drink delivery, wellness, shopping
  • People would be willing to spend an average of $30 a month for a subscription service
  • 63% say they have just the right amount of subscriptions… while 20% say they have too many subscriptions

Convenience is the main reason people say they sign up for subscriptions. The ability to try items before committing is another big draw and 1 in 10 believe the services actually help them save money in the long run.

Take a look at the full report