Men’s Haircuts at Home: The Essentials

It’s safe to say that a person’s style and look are very important aspects of their life. It may sound shallow, but it’s true. When people look good, they feel good. One of the most important parts of someone’s look is, of course, their haircut.

Guys can be very specific about their hair and they go to their hairdresser at least once a month. This means that they have to tend to their hair on a regular basis in order to maintain their look. However, going to the hairdresser is not always a priority. Some guys simply don’t have the time, while others like to cut their hair by themselves.

If you don’t have the time to visit the hairdresser or you want to cut your own hair, you can do that at home. However, you will need some equipment.

Here’s what you should get.

Adjustable Blade Clipper

This should be the first item on your list. You can’t have a stylish men’s haircut without an adjustable blade clipper. This tool offers you a lot of different options. You can give yourself buzz cuts or you can just trim your hair a little. Depending, of course, on your preferences.

However, you should know that if you don’t use this tool correctly, you can give yourself a nasty pinch. Therefore, make sure to be careful when cutting your hair with an adjustable blade clipper.

Also, this tool requires regular maintenance. If you want it to work properly, you have to oil it and clean it after every use. The blade clipper is not a cheap tool, so if you want to save money on repairs, make sure to maintain it regularly.

Home Hair Cutting Kit

The adjustable blade clipper is a must for every man, but without getting hair clippers for home you won’t be able to stylize your hair. This essential hair-cutting tool can be bought separately or as a part of a home hair-cutting tool.

Either one of these options is good, but if you decide to go with the home kit, here are the things that it should contain:

  • a pair of regular scissors
  • thinning scissors
  • a grooming comb
  • cleaning cloth
  • hairpins.


If you are a neat guy, you simply can’t have a proper haircut without using a trimmer. This tool can do all the things the blade clipper can’t.

Trimmer allows you to cut the hair in awkward areas with ease. It’s also great for small corrections and adjustments. This tool is a must-have if you’re going to cut your own hair at home.

Hair-Cutting Cape

Cutting your hair at home has a lot of benefits. It’s very peaceful and you have your privacy. This allows you to stay relaxed and be yourself. Those things are important if you want to do a good job.

However, you will probably make a mess. There will be hair everywhere and you will have to clean your home after you’re done. The cleaning process can be a real nuisance. However, there is a way to contain your hair while cutting it.

All you have to do is buy a hair-cutting cape. It may not look as cool as it sounds, but it’s really effective. This piece of hair-cutting equipment will collect your hair as it falls off your head. After you finish, you just take the cape and throw the hair in the trash.

Have Some Kind Of Sanitizer For Cuts

Cutting your own hair is fun. You can do whatever you want and you don’t have to pay anyone. However, it can also be dangerous, especially if you are a newbie. This is why you have to be extra careful or else you will cut yourself. These cuts can hurt pretty bad.

The first thing you have to do if you cut yourself is to clean the wound. That’s why you should have some kind of sanitizer standing by when you’re cutting your hair. Once you clean your wound, put on some gauze. This will stop the bleeding. If there’s not too much blood, remove the gauze and let the wound heal.

Cutting your own hair at home can be an exciting adventure. You can stylize your hair however you want and it’s pretty cost-effective. However, to do this, you need proper equipment and skill. Also, you have to be very careful not to hurt yourself. If you are new to this, you should probably have someone there with you while you cut your hair. You know, just in case.

Well, that’s about it. Only one thing left to say – happy cutting.