Know All The Exciting Facts About Manuka Honey

Know All The Exciting Facts About Manuka Honey

If you know the variety of expensive honey, then you must also know about Manuka honey. This Honey is made in Australia and New Zealand with the bees that pollinate on the native Manuka bush. This honey is used since ancient times. In the 19th century, it was discovered that this honey also has antibacterial properties. The primary component found in Manuka is methylglyoxal (MG). The specialty of Manuka is its antibacterial property which is higher than any other honey. According to DiligentChef, the higher the amount of MG, the higher is the antibacterial property. Additionally, Manuka honey has anti-inflammation, antioxidant benefits as well.

In ancient times honey was used to cure the wound, soothing sore throat, preventing tooth decay and improving the digestive system. Here are some of the essential benefits of honey.

Wound Healing Property

Not only from ancient times, but also in 2007, it was approved by the US FDA that the honey can be used to cure the wounds. Honey offers antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Due to this, the bacterial infection is prevented from thriving, which help to decrease the size of the injury by 88 percent. Multiple studies have been shown, the honey also has proved to regenerate the tissues in burns and reduced the pain of the burn.

Helpful in Oral health

The CDC has recorded it. There are 50% of nations facing Oral health issues. The manuka in this situation, if used to cure oral health, acts as a defender against the bacteria, which causes inflammation, formations of plague, and also tooth decay. With the help of honey, we can not only wipe out all the oral problems but also keep our mouth healthy.

Best in Soothing a Sore Throat

Manuka can be the best partner for one, who is suffering from sore throat. With the antibacterial and antiviral properties, reduce the inflammation, which reduces the pain of sore throat. With Modern time, honey is also used in cough syrup given by the doctor to cure the cough and throat issues.

Prevent Gastric Ulcer

A stomach ulcer is the most common and profoundly affecting the human problem. It is a sore that formed in the lining of the stomach. Hpylori is the common bacteria which is responsible for gastric ulcer. Researchers have studied and suggested that honey can be useful to treat this gastric ulcer.

Improve Digestive System

Digestive system problem is common for all age group nowadays. With this digestion problem, many other issues are also reported — for example, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, irregular bowel movement, and many more. According to the researches and fact, it was noticed that regular consumption of Manuka could reduce these symptoms. C.diff is the bacteria that can be the reason for this entire symptom. Intake of honey kills the C.diff and helps in better digestion.

Treat the Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that damages the lungs and can also affect the digestive system and also hamper other organs. Manuka has been shown to fight with bacteria that cause the problem. The honey is also helpful and cures the infection found in the upper respiratory.

Acne Treatment

Acne is usually caused due to hormonal changes with the growing age. But the same could also be sometimes due to poor diet, due to stress, and also because of the clogging of pores. Here the Manuka can be best used to come over the acne problem. When the honey is used with the combination of low ph value product, can result in a decrease of acne. Manuka helps your skin to be free from acne-causing bacteria.

Is Manuka Safe for All?

Despite being many advantages with the use of this honey, the Manuka cannot be 100 percent safe for all the segments of people. There are still some people who cannot take Manuka. Below are the mentioned some people who are suggested not to use Manuka.

Diabetic One

As you know, honey is a natural source of sugar. Therefore it would never be useful and beneficial for diabetic suffering people. It can harm the level of blood sugar after consuming it.

The Allergic One

Those people who have in their past have noticed some allergy to the consumption of honey is suggested not to use. As almost the ordinary Honey, Manuka has more or less the same properties, so it would be better not to use if you are allergic to honey.

Not Safe for Infants

The doctors and researchers also suggest it and honey is not safe for the infant who is below one, due to the risk of infant botulism, a type of foodborne illness.

What Makes Manuka Unique Honey?

Unlike other honey, Manuka is also made up of nectar collected by bees. But the difference starts with a variety of flowers from where it is received. Manuka is made with the collection of nectar from the Manuka plant.

When one imagines about the honey, we can image a thick and sticky texture with golden color, which is sweet. However, Manuka is very different in taste and texture. Is it not sweet unlike other honey, but a combination of Rich bitter and sweet taste together? Manuka has a smooth, creamy, and velvety texture. It is a lot thicker as compared to ordinary Honey. The best Manuka look like a good wine. It also grows with the flavor and richness with time.

Why Manuka Is So Expensive

Manuka is relatively more expensive, as compared with other ordinary Honey. The reason behind this is the Manuka bush. This is available for a concise period in a year. These bush only flower for a couple of weeks each year.

Worth Use if Manuka!

If you are thinking of using this honey only for taste, then you should go for some ordinary Honey rather than Manuka. Manuka being superior from other variety it should be used if you are suffering from wound rashes or sore throat.