How To Sleep Through Your Partner’s Snoring


Sharing your bedroom with a partner might increase feelings of closeness and intimacy, but if they tend to snore, things can get frustrating fast. Learning how to sleep through your partner’s snoring can be especially difficult if you’re a light sleeper who tends to have trouble sleeping anyway.

From finding the most comfortable mattress for you to slip into a deep sleep, to correcting their sleep position so they’re minimizing the risk of lapsing back into snoring again, there are plenty of ways you can ensure you remember how to sleep with minimal issue. Here are some of our top tips for sharing your bedroom with a snorer:

Get to bed before your partner does

If you’re brainstorming how to sleep through your partner’s loud snores through the night, one effective method you may consider using is to simply go to bed a little earlier than they do. You’re a lot less likely to wake up once they begin snoring this way.

Why is this? Since most couples go to sleep around the same time, their sleep cycles end up being synced. If your partner enters deep sleep around the same time you do, and begin their snore habit, you’re much more likely to get disrupted.

If they begin to fall asleep around the period of your deep sleep, it’ll be a lot easier for your body to shut off any external disturbances, since you’ll already have completed a single cycle. Another extreme measure to test out if you’re having a lot of trouble sleeping in the same bed as your partner is to actually sleep in separate rooms.

This might be handy on days when you know it’s especially important you get a good night’s sleep. In one poll taken by the National Sleep Foundation, research revealed 25% of married Americans actually sleep on separate beds.

Ask your partner to switch sleeping positions

One of the most common reasons snorers have trouble sleeping quietly is due to the fact they don’t know how to sleep in a position that works for them. Sleeping on your back can exacerbate the volume and frequency of snoring.

If your partner can’t understand how to sleep and minimize their snoring, a good way for them to try and accomplish this is simply by switching sleep positions. People tend to have less trouble sleeping with snorers if they lie on their side or on their stomach, which minimizes noise because of the effect it has on your airways.

Finding the right sleep set-up to make switching positions is going to be important when encouraging your partner to switch up what they’re used to. When training their bodies on how to sleep on their sides, it might be worth investing in a few extra pillows, or even finding a hybrid mattress that provides the same amount of support they experience sleeping on their back.

Invest in the best mattress for you both

Speaking of mattresses – finding the best mattress you can for both you and your partner can do wonders for your sleep cycles. Not only will the best mattress be something that is equally comfortable to both you and your partner, but it is also going to encourage you both to stay in deep and uninterrupted sleep through the night.

Finding the best mattress for those with a tendency to snore can be a little tricky since the cause of snoring might be different depending on the person. In general, it’s agreed that the best mattress possible for anyone with trouble breathing through the night is one with a little more support.

Hybrid mattresses are not just the best mattress for anyone who’s looking for how to sleep with little more support at night, but they’re also a great choice for couples who are having trouble sleeping in the same bed.

The versatility of hybrids makes them the best mattresses for couples looking to share a bet without being interrupted by one another. Motion isolation capabilities ensure that you’re free from being subject to your partner’s tossing and turning through the night.

If nothing works, consult a physician

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, up to 50% of snorers might possibly have obstructive sleep apnea. If your partner has trouble sleeping because of their snoring, they might be facing more than just a mild case of loud snores – they might have sleep apnea.

To differentiate between a case of sleep apnea and basic trouble sleeping, you can check for the following symptoms:

  • Your partner interrupts their own sleep because of disrupted breathing
  • Your partner is unable to breathe through the night
  • Your partner might toss and turn through the night, or feel generally restless
  • Their lack of sleep causes increased fatigue during the day

Learning how to sleep after treating sleep apnea is very simple, and most treatments can go a long way in actually alleviating snoring as a symptom.

Moving in with your partner can be a really exciting way to begin a new chapter of your lives together, and you should be able to do this while staying well-rested. To avoid any trouble sleeping for both of you, it’s a great idea to invest in the best mattress you can for couples and start some healthy sleep hygiene habits together.

You can even commit to more healthy sleep hygiene practices together, to keep yourselves accountable. You could start reading the same book every night in the lead up to bed or take turns making a cup of herbal tea before it’s time to tuck yourselves in.

Whether you have the best mattress for your bedroom or not, getting to the root cause of your snoring and ensuring you’re both getting the best night’s sleep you can is going to be crucial for the wellbeing of your relationship and your personal wellbeing. With our sleeping tips for snorers, you’ll be co-sleeping in bliss in no time. Say goodbye to trouble sleeping, and hello to blissful, uninterrupted nights.