How to Choose the Perfect Classic Eyelash Extensions for Your Eye Shape


Choosing the right style and length for your unique eye shape is crucial to achieve a timeless look with classic eyelash extensions. When done properly, classic eyelash extensions can make your eyes appear wider, brighter, and beautifully framed. However, the wrong length or curl can look awkward and overwhelm your natural features.

Step 1

The first step is determining your eye shape. Almond eyes have an elongated oval shape that tapers towards the outer corners. Round eyes are the widest at the center and have a softer overall shape. Upturned eyes have a slight lift at the outer edges while downturned eyes point slightly down. Map out the contours of your eyes in the mirror to identify their shape.

For almond-shaped eyes, a medium length, 8-to-11-millimeter classic extension works well. Focus the volume towards the center of the eyes to play up their naturally wideset appearance. Add a very subtle curl to the mid-sections and ends to lift them. Avoid using too dramatic a curl, as that can make almond eyes appear droopy.

Those with round eyes will look best with a longer, 11-to-13-millimeter length extension to visually elongate the eyes. Apply slightly more volume to the outer corners to create a cat-eye lift. An “L” curl shape is ideal, with a more pronounced bend on the outer ends. Stay away from a “C” curl all over, as that will overemphasize roundness.

Step 2

Upturned eyes look great with a medium length extension and a soft “C” curl shape. This mimics their natural upward lift while adding fullness and definition. Focus most of the volume on the outer half. An “L” curl can sometimes make upturned eyes seem too feline.

For downturned eyes, go for a longer length, like 13 millimeters. Choose a graduated volume, with the most fullness at the lash line and tapering towards the ends. An extreme “L” curl really helps flip downturned eyes up. Avoid too much curling at the inner and mid-sections.

When in doubt, remember that a gentle curl and mid-range length, between 10 to 12 millimeters, works well for most eye shapes. The biggest mistake is choosing an overly-dramatic eyelash that overwhelms your features or looks obviously fake. Meet with an experienced lash technician and communicate your eye shape and vision. With the perfect classic extensions, you can accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes.

Consider Your Lifestyle

The ideal classic lash extension also takes into account your daily activities and maintenance habits. Those with very active lifestyles may benefit from a slightly shorter, 9 to 10-millimeter length for comfort and longevity. Frequent swimmers or gym-goers will want to avoid an overly dramatic curl, which breaks down faster with excessive moisture and rubbing.

If you don’t want to maintain the extensions with frequent infills, go for a lighter, wispier volume. The fuller the fan, the quicker it will shed and need replacements. Understand your beauty routine – if you vigorously rub your eyes or prefer oil-based makeup removers, that friction can damage lash bonds faster. Communicate lifestyle factors to your lash artist so they last as long as possible.