Find Your Yoga Style

Yoga is more popular than ever.  For those of us who are looking to increase our physical vitality, flexibility, and mental calmness yoga seems to be the it solution.  Or is it that anyone can do Yoga. Whether you are young , old , slim, zaftig, male, female, strong, or getting strong yoga can be part of your life,

That being said, there seems to be as many types of yoga as there are body types.

lululemon yoga

 This  quick overview of different styles of Yoga will hopefully give a you  an idea of what to expect while searching  Yoga experience that everyone is talking about.


If you’re already in good physical condition, and you’re looking for a yoga discipline that is geared toward fitness, and getting a workout, you’re likely to want a vigorous style like one of the following:

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a series of six increasingly-difficult series of asanas, with a concentration on flowing seamlessly from one to the next using the timing of your breaths to pace your progression. Not inaccessible to the beginner, but challenging to those of all skill levels.

Power Yoga is a westernized style of yoga, based on Ashtanga, and designed to be less intimidating to those who want a good workout, without as much emphasis on the eastern spirituality aspects of Yoga.


Bikram Yoga(sometimes called hot yoga) is a demanding workout in hot, humid conditions, designed to flush the body of toxins while increasing flexibility and strength.


For those of us beginning from a less fit state, a yogic practice that concentrates more on alignment, flexibility, and stability is probably a better choice.

Iyengar yoga is a good example of this kind of style, making use of belts, walls or other stability-aiding props to help students learn the precise asanas.


Viniyoga, likewise, is a gentler, more therapeutic form of yoga, which concentrates on one-on-one instruction geared toward the individual.

Kundalini yoga is suited for those who wish to concentrate on the more spiritual aspects of yoga, incorporating chanting, meditation, and pranayama (breath control).

These options are some of the most well-known yogic disciplines, but this list is by no means exhaustive. It can hopefully help to guide the beginner toward the style of yoga that they are most likely to gain the greatest benefit from. Once you’ve begun your exploration of yoga, consider for all of your yoga clothing needs.