Eco-friendly Ways You Can Use To Battle Insects Next Summer

There are eco-friendly ways to fight insects. One way is by using eco-friendly products like eco-friendly bug sprays, pest control services, and pesticides. These chemicals do not have the same negative effects on the environment as other chemical-based insecticides do. They can be used in your home without harming pets or children, which makes them a great choice for those who want to avoid harmful chemicals that could potentially cause health risks when inhaled or absorbed into skin contact with these substances.


Use a natural insect repellent

Natural repellents for insects can be a good option to avoid using toxic products, but you should know that there are not many natural repellent options. One of the most common ones is citronella oil. There are also other oils such as peppermint and lemongrass which insects dislike because they have a strong scent. Some plants may also be used as insect repellent, like cedar. The downside of these natural products is that insects usually become immune to them if they are overused or not changed periodically. Best of all, you can easily find all of these items.

However, if you are looking for something more permanent, you should buy a specialized anti-insect product instead of making your own homemade ones. For example, a lot of mosquito control products can be found online since they are probably the most annoying insect during the summer. You can also use eco-friendly products to fight mosquitoes, such as mosquito trap lights that attract mosquitoes but don’t kill them, or citronella candles which are a natural and effective way of repelling mosquitoes without the harm to your health from using toxic chemicals found in many insecticides.

Eliminate standing water from around your home to prevent mosquitoes from breeding

Standing water is mosquitoes’ favorite breeding ground. If mosquitoes are not able to breed, they will disappear naturally and won’t be a problem during the next summer season. You can start by eliminating standing water from around your home – this includes old tires, buckets, toys in the yard, or any other containers that store rainwater for long periods of time.

Additionally, you can put screens on windows and doors, keep gutters clean so you don’t have clogged drains with extra debris which may provide an ideal place for mosquitoes to breed.

Spray plants with neem oil or other natural pesticides

Neem has a long history of use in India and is an important tree for rural farmers. Neem-based products are now used by organic gardeners throughout the world because neem oil can control over 100 types of insects without harming plants or beneficial microorganisms that exist in healthy soil.

You can spray neem oil or other natural pesticides directly on the leaves and stems of plants to prevent insects from infesting them. Neem-based products are also available in concentrated liquid form that can be mixed with water to create a spray which is then used just like any insecticide.

Neem oil has been shown to kill overwintering pests while not harming the environment. But neem oil has been shown to be toxic to honeybees if sprayed on plants during flowering or when bees are actively foraging, so neem-based products should not be used in these scenarios.

The neem plant grows wild across tropical countries, including most parts of Asia, Africa, and Central America. In addition to being natural pesticides, they also have medicinal properties with potential uses as treatments for diabetes type II and AIDS patients who experience weight loss.

Place garlic cloves in your garden to ward off pests

Placing garlic cloves in your garden can be a natural, eco-friendly way of protecting your plants against pests. Not only will garlic cloves keep insects at bay, but they also make for an attractive addition to the garden’s scenery!

In order to maintain garlic clove’s insect repelling properties, it is best that you plant them near fruit trees and other plants prone to attracting insects. This prevents the garlic from losing its potency when it comes into contact with these bugs.

Garlic cloves are typically grown during colder months so if planting season has already passed then consider buying garlic bulbs online or in specialty shops such as Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe’s. When shopping for garlic on store shelves lookout for those made without pesticides (many grocery stores sell these). Keep garlic cloves in a dry place until you are ready to plant them.

Plant basil around your house for a natural pest repellent

Basil is a plant that has a strong smell and can repel mosquitoes, ants, beetles, moths, flies, etc. You should plant basil plants in pots near your house for the best results, and you can also plant them on the ground around your home or garden to keep pests away from other plants.

The plant’s natural smell can deter pests, but if you want to take it up a notch and really scare them away, try using some of these other ingredients in your plant basil bug repellent:

Hot peppers: Planting hot pepper plants near your house can stop insects like ants and beetles before they get inside. When releasing pepper spray outside around the perimeter of your home, make sure not to use too much because this could be detrimental to pets that come into contact with it such as cats and dogs.

Cinnamon leaves: Eating cinnamon leaves is good for you, but for pests, it is not so good. You can plant them around your house to keep ants and beetles away as well.

Get a pet

If insects are a problem in your home, you might want to get yourself or someone else there a pet. Cats and dogs will help keep insects outside the house and away from you.

Insects generally avoid cats because they have strong scent glands that act as natural deterrents, so having one of these furry friends around can also reduce allergies caused by them too…

Dogs on the other hand often catch pests such as spiders or beetles while going for walkies – but be careful not to let them eat any!

A dog’s fur is naturally good at collecting insects making it an effective insect repellent too. This has helped many people living with pets find relief from allergy symptoms related to bites and stings.


As the weather heats up, mosquitoes and other pests are on the rise. We hope you’ve found this blog post helpful and now feel more confident in your ability to protect yourself. Remember, there are many ways to do so without using chemicals that might not be safe for children or pets! The methods we’ve discussed here can all be used as part of a natural pest repellent plan which will keep pests away while also keeping the environment clean and everyone safe.