Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom’s Battle

Divorcing a narcissist

With the recent media spotlight on Lance Armstrong and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the public was able to see first-hand what someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is capable of.  This disorder has affected millions of Lance Armstrong’s fans, teammates and inner circle but it leaves many people baffled.  How can a person tell lies so believable that he was able to fool the masses for almost 8 years? Anyone who has experienced a narcissist first-hand can answer that question.

Tina Swithin’s new book, “Divorcing a Narcissist” has only been out one month and is receiving rave reviews from attorneys, doctors and celebrities.  While there are many books written about the topic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Tina’s book is the first book to be written from the perspective of someone who dated, married, had children and then divorced a narcissist.  Her journey is eloquently laid out and her story is gripping.  Tina takes the reader through the “prince charming phase” during their courtship and ultimately, into the dark trenches of her custody battle to protect her young daughters.

Author Tina Swithin is an inspiration to many around the world as her blog, “One Mom’s Battle” has gained international recognition over the past year.  Tina has single-handedly acted as her own attorney in a 4-year custody battle, maintained her favorite roll as fulltime mother and battles her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in her free time.  Tina is also a Huffington Post contributor and is available for interviews, guest blogs or appearances

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