Simple and Delicious Detox Salad

Summer Detox SaladSimple Detox Salad

Give your organs a well deserved break!

Cleansing through food is an amazing opportunity to decrease the workload of your organs and support them by giving them a BREAK. Eating organic, fresh vegan food and drinking clean water help your liver, digestive system and kidneys work at a less intense pace while getting rid of clutter and other « gunk ». Your skin starts glowing and you feel better after 2 or 3 days.


2 cups arugula or greens of your choice (dandelion, watercress and endive are great for spring detoxing)
1⁄2 cup red onions, sliced thin
1 cucumber, chopped

1⁄2 cup carrot, chopped
1⁄4 cup radish, sliced thin
1 avocado, cubed
Juice from one lemon
Sea salt and pepper to taste 1⁄4 cup of sunflower seeds


Step one: Chop vegetables and mix in a large bowl.
Step two: Top salad with avocado and sunflower seeds.
Step three: Drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with sea salt, pepper.