Category Archives: Lifestyle

PARENTING + SOCIAL MEDIA: Mother’s Day 2013 Gadgetology Special Report

PARENTING & SOCIAL MEDIA   Is posting a Happy Mother’s Day message on mom’s Facebook [see more...]

New Mother’s Day E-Card Features Music and Dance in Celebration of All the Feats Moms Accomplish Every Day

It’s a comical, Mother’s Day montage of catchy music and “dances” mothers do in their [see more...]

Mother’s Day Gifts Interview With Dana Hilmer, The Lifestyle Mom

We all love our Moms, but with our busy schedules, expressing that appreciation sometimes gets [see more...]

ArtsWestchester Presents… May Arts Highlights

  ArtsWestchester, your complete guide to arts and culture in Westchester, is excited to provide [see more...]

Mother’s Day Gifts She’ll Love

Whether you’re planning a fancy multi-course brunch or going away for the weekend to explore [see more...]

How to Turn an Internship into a Full-time Job

“I have work, then a dinner thing, and then I am busy trying to become [see more...]

Startup Weekend White Plains

Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the [see more...]

10 Tips to Take Great iPhone Photos

  They say that the best camera is the one you have with you. That’s [see more...]

Neuberger Museum of Art Reopens with Provocative Exhibition and Daylong Public Celebration (free) on Sunday, April 28


Expert Tips for Making the Impossible Possible

Is it possible to do the impossible?  For Patrick Bet-David it is, and he’s proved [see more...]

April 23 is “Lover’s Day”- Tips to Enhance Your Relationship

Some couples may feel lucky enough to believe that every day is “Lover’s Day” – [see more...]

GPNY Hosting New York’s First Fuel Efficient Car Show

The most advanced hybrid, electric and plug-in cars are coming to Bedford!       [see more...]

It’s Not Just Tutoring

      What makes Hudson Learning Lab different from traditional tutors? Each child is [see more...]

Earth Day: 13 Things Everyone Can Do in 2013

   On April 22nd, the world will celebrate Earth Day. Sustainable food and agriculture systems [see more...]

Men and the Art of Approach: It’s Your Turn to Hit on Him

As much as we love watching “Mad Men” and pretending Don Draper is sitting next [see more...]

Father’s Day Watches to Crave from Woodrow Jewelers

It is never too early to think about Father’s day or graduation. I was speaking [see more...]

She Did It/ New York

 Sick of your job? Want to start your own business? Facing an empty nest? Starting [see more...]

Compromising Tips for Couples Moving In Together

Moving in together is a huge step in any couple’s relationship.   Although it is [see more...]

Top Celebrity Tax Evaders

For most of us, the idea of having IRS troubles brings cold sweats and sleepless [see more...]

Ellie Designs

Everyone wants to live an active and healthy life. Ellie mixes essential, fashion-forward looks with [see more...]