Best Exercises You Can Do To Develop Lean Muscles on a Keto Diet


Let’s face it, building muscle on a keto diet is possible. You don’t need additional carbs to achieve this. If you don’t believe what we are saying all you have to do is look at the number of bodybuilders that have gained and maintained their muscles on a diet with low carbohydrates.


In this article, we’ll talk about all the things you need to know on how to maintain and build muscle using a ketogenic diet. We’ll even add details on ways you can build muscle the easy way and ways you can support the muscles you have gained using a keto, low carb diet.


A keto diet for bodybuilders

Once you begin eating a keto diet, aiming for the highest ketone values is tempting. Popular culture as seen on Instagram communities and the blood meter makes this body-building method easy to gamify.


Leading many people to increase their fat intake continually simply because they want higher ketone values. Our advice to you is, don’t do this, especially if you don’t want to suffer a keto headache.


If you’re looking to build muscle using a ketogenic diet, you need to resist the urge to maximize your ketones. You will need to put to rest any feelings of keto envy and devote yourself to a macronutrient ration that will help your bodybuilding aims.

A way to gain muscle on a ketogenic diet

If your want to gain muscle on any diet, eating more protein is the most important thing. The amount of protein you consume affects your ability to build muscle directly and helps you lose body fat too. Even in a calorie deficit diet, higher protein ingestion can assist you to build and maintain your muscle mass.


Ways to exercise

The term “work out” rings a bell to all of us, as it’s something we’ve all heard before. But very few people are intentional when it comes to physical fitness as much as they should. If you aim to build muscle on a keto diet, you need to do more than basic exercise. You need to train with one key aim in mind: hypertrophy.

Hypertrophy refers to the thickening of muscle fibers. This method is what grants bodybuilders their impressive physique and big muscles. Hypertrophy is triggered by daily stressors that are placed on the body during the process of performing intentional workouts. So if you plan to build muscles on any eating plan, you definitely need to work out.

While much remains unknown about the hypertrophy process, there are still three kinds of physical conditioning that are said to maximize keto gains and encourage hypertrophy. The three kinds of physical conditioning include metabolic stress, muscle damage, and mechanical tension.


Most individuals associate low-carb, keto diets with weight loss. And that sounds sensible because several people are implementing a keto diet for weight loss at the moment. In reality, you’re able to enjoy the wonderful health benefits of a keto diet and gain good strong lean muscles. All you need to do is adjust your diet to support the growth of your muscles and train consistently and effectively to make the most of your keto gains!