Although this year’s Valentine’s Day will be virtual, there are plenty of ways to show your gal pals, friends, and family (and even yourself!) some long-distance love and affection. It’s important to celebrate this day of love with those closest to you – and no better way to show you care than with a Mango book. Whether you are sending gifts of friendship, self-care, wit & wisdom, or genuine affection, we have the perfect title for you! Take advantage of this special day to spread love and joy to those closest to you; our books promise to lend inspiration now and for years to come.
“Friendship starts out free and becomes priceless with time.” – Ellie Shoja
Friendship Isn’t a Big Thing, It’s a Million Little Things by Becca Anderson
Let Me Count the Ways:
Wise and Witty Women on the Subject of Love by Becca Anderson
If there’s one thing that unites all women (and people!), it’s love. In the much-loved style of Rupi Kaur one-liners, Let Me Count the Ways showcases the best quotes from women alongside gorgeous illustrations. From black authors like Nigerian Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie to American authors like Joyce Carol Oates, this collection of quotes follows women from France, Cuba, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Japan, and more. Packed full of different ways to say I love you, readers can finally step into the love lives of famous women and discover that their love stories aren’t so different from ours. By collecting reflections on every kind of love and all the ways to love, Anderson uses inspirational quotes to remind women of one thing―we are not alone. Find this book on Amazon!
Be True to Yourself:
Daily Affirmations and Awesome Advice for Teen Girls by Amanda Ford
When Amanda Ford emerged from her tumultuous teenage years, she saw the need for a guide to help girls learn to listen to their inner voices and think for themselves. Be True To Yourself is the big sister Amanda never had―and always wanted to be. In this book of short daily meditations and essays, Amanda Ford, a young adult herself, offers stories, information, and advice on all the important issues facing young women today: boys, dating, drinking, self-respect, self-love, fights with friends, dealing with parents, and more. Girls will find comfort, encouragement, and insight in these pages, along with suggestions for articulating and confiding their feelings, fears, and frustrations. Your daughter, granddaughter, niece, or young friend will learn to listen to her heart with this coming-of-age guide. View this book on Amazon!
When Women Run the World Sh*t Gets Done:
Celebrating the Power of Women Now by Shelly Rachanow
Packed with stories of ordinary women doing extraordinary things, this book is a must-have for any woman who has ever dreamt of a better world. Shelly Rachanow’s book is full of powerful, courageous women who are getting vitally important sh*t done. Dive into this empowering narrative and read about a trauma surgeon working to stem the epidemic of gun violence, a professor who ran for office to provide a better role model for her sons, an educator raising India’s poorest girls out of poverty, teens fighting for clean water, inspiring future generations to continue their work, a group of firefighters training to trek across Antarctica, raising awareness for mental health and showing young girls that they are strong and can be anything they choose, and activists from around the world fighting the injustices of inequality and patriarchy. One small action can inspire a movement. As these women have shown, a movement can change minds…and ultimately the world. Find this book on Amazon!
Hey! It’s Your Day
Inspirational Quotes and Affirmations to Live By June Cotner
Ready to change your life today? How about this minute? Best-selling anthologist June Cotner returns with Hey, It’s Your Day, a life-long collection of her favorite quotes to start the day and delight any friend, relative, or literary aficionado. June Cotner has been gathering her favorite quotes for more than two decades. Now, she shares these specially curated words of wisdom to guide readers on their personal journeys of positive thinking. Whether you’re in need of a daily boost or brushing up on quote trivia, open Hey, It’s Your Day and finds positive affirmations and inspirational quotes on every page. Inside, they may even discover a new book, mantra, or role model. View this book on Amazon!
Say It Now:
33 Ways To Say I LOVE YOU To the Most Important People In Your Life by Sherry Richert Belul
We never know how much time we have left with our loved ones. If there’s someone you care about deeply―a parent, grandparent, child, friend, colleague, teacher, or neighbor―don’t wait to express how you feel. But sometimes it’s difficult to find the right way to say “I love you” to the people you appreciate the most in life. The emotions are there, but the words don’t come. Say It Now shows you how to put your feelings into words―and actions, too. From activities that take just a minute, to love letters, joy jars, tribute videos, surprise parties, and more, this book helps you celebrate the most important people in your life. View this book on Amazon!
Friendship Isn’t a Big Thing, It’s a Million Little Things:
The Art of Female Friendship by Becca Anderson
The bond shared among girlfriends is like no other. Whether the friendship is decades old or just beginning, we share a unique relationship with these women, a connection wholly different even from what we share with husbands or boyfriends. Strong female friendships are inspiring because they foster the practice of women supporting and enabling other women. Author and blogger Becca Anderson have long been moved by the inspirational quotes and stories of groundbreaking women (as seen in her bestselling title, The Book of Awesome Women), and she shares some of that female empowerment with us in this book.
This book reminds us just how valuable our bonds with our gal pals are. These are the women who answer the phone at 4 a.m. and drop everything to help a sister out, the ones who are there for both the tearful wine nights and the champagne-worthy celebrations. As author Becca Anderson says, “Our friends are some of the great loves of our lives. Mine has seen me through tough times and we have so much shared joy. My life advice is simple: make friends and treasure them.” View this book on Amazon!
Moon Spell Magic for Love
Charms, Invocations, Passion Potions and Rituals for Romance by Cerridwen Greenleaf
Magic influences desired outcomes, empowers, and fosters growth. Begin this process with spells for love: spells that create the potential for love, draw the attention and devotion of a lover, strengthen the union between an existing couple, invoke sexual magic, heal a broken heart, and fill your own heart with love and compassion for yourself. The moon magic in this book brings light and love into peoples’ lives. With the desire, a loving attitude, a few natural ingredients, and a dash of magic, these custom-crafted recipes will cook up an exciting flirtation, enchanted courtship, and real lasting love. It’s a perfect spellbook for true romantics. View this book on Amazon!
Badass Affirmations:
The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women by Becca Anderson
If you affirm yourself every day, you can rule the world. More importantly, you can live a life filled with love, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction thanks to your own positive self-regard. Badass Affirmations is the ultimate motivating, encouraging, and uplifting book to enjoy and share. Create your own ideal life and build your self-esteem with these positive daily affirmations. These very wise words have the power to touch our hearts, build confidence, make us laugh, and alleviate our stress―all while realizing the vast potential life has to offer. Becca Anderson, the bestselling author of The Book of Awesome Women, serves up a memorable and inspirational banquet of positive self-affirmations, delicious bon mots, quips, and unforgettable quotes from movie stars, musicians, politicians, and women writers. Everyone from Malala to Madonna to Michelle Obama weighs in on the meaning of life with badass wit and timeless wisdom. View this book on Amazon!
You Can Do All Things:
Drawings, Affirmations and Mindfulness to Help With Anxiety and Depression by Kate Allan
When you have anxiety or depression, you can feel deeply alone. You can feel like you’re the only person on the planet who’s struggling with weird worries (which won’t go away), who can’t go grocery shopping without getting sweaty and panicked, who fears everything. When we feel this way, one of the greatest gifts we can receive is knowing that there’s someone out there walking a similar path, someone who understands the sorrow, the struggles, the symptoms, the hardships. Someone we can relate to, someone who shares their story, with vulnerability and without filters. With You Can Do All Things, Kate Allan has given us such a gift. In You Can Do All Things, Kate shares her struggles with anxiety and depression, which started when she was just a child. Through her honest words, uplifting illustrations, and actionable suggestions, Kate also encourages us to keep trying and to keep going. View this book on Amazon! |