Battling the Drug Epidemic

Basic Information About Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse Treatments

As mentioned above, drug abuse is a major public health problem. Now that we know some numbers and how they have an impact socially and economically on the United States, let’s discuss how individuals can break the cycle and get on the road to recovery. It’s always a good idea to consult a physician when deciding to bring an end to drug use since the body can go through detoxification or withdrawal. There are numerous types of treatment and finding one that best suits the addict’s needs is key.
There are several options for treatment: behavioral counseling, iop therapy, self-help groups, rehabilitation centers, and medication.  One of the most well-known forms of treatment is AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous). There are over 12,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups in the United States and an estimated 14,500 rehabilitation centers. When looking for a place to start treatment, those may be a great starting point for rehabilitation and support. If one style of treatment doesn’t seem to fit what the user needs or desires, there are more options out there. Keep searching until they find the one that fits their need the most. Don’t give up, there is help out there.

A Life of Recovery

After the addict has dealt with their addiction, their journey isn’t over. Staying sober may be an ongoing battle for many. However, this can be a time to rediscover who they are after addiction with the help of activities and programs. Surrounding themselves with positive influences can keep a former addict from returning to a life of drug abuse. Finding an aftercare group that can keep up the support can be essential in not relapsing. Drug addiction can take up all the user’s time and once they’ve stopped taking drugs, they may find they have much more time on their hands. It’s important to fill that time with something that won’t be a temptation. This could be a great time to discover a new hobby. Maybe there is something they’ve always wanted to try, like playing an instrument or painting, for instance. Now would be a great time to fill the hours once taken up by drug use, with a hobby.

Seeing drug statistics can be disheartening and overwhelming. However, with the growth of access to rehabilitation programs, those who are battling addiction may be able to find treatment much easier than they could have in the past. With dedication, a good support system and hard work, it is possible to beat drug addiction and live a drug-free life.