Author Archives: Stacy G
Dieting During the Week 10 Tips on How Not to “Lose”it On the Weekends
Monday through Friday it’s slightly sort of easier to stick to a “diet”. Routines, be [see more...]
Add The Pumpkin Enzyme Facial at The Spa @ Equinox to Your Beauty Routine
The Spa at Equinox will be offering a new seasonal treatment, the pumpkin enzyme facial. [see more...]
Wine + Books. What’s not to love?
RSVP Authors Night/Moms Night Out at The Wine Cellar in Rye Ridge on [see more...]
Neil Patrick Harris confirms he will host the #Oscars on 22 Feb 2015!
Barney Stinson’s hosting the Oscars. It’s gonna be legen…wait for it…dary
“What is in my hamburger?” “What part of the chicken is a Chicken McNugget™?” “Why are the fries so good?”
McDonald’s USA will answer these questions and more from customers, fans and food skeptics through [see more...]
64% cheat while in the same room as their spouse
89% of people use smartphones or tablets to cheat on their spouse 64% will cheat [see more...]
5 Top Tips on Regrouping Your Psyche
5 Top Tips on Regrouping Your Psyche There are times in all our lives that [see more...]
Fashion Fix Founder Christie Maruka’s Top Tips on Starting your own Business
Looking to start your own business but don’t know where to begin?Christie Maruka, Founder [see more...]
Enjoy A Fairy-tastic Day of Pampering & Fun for the whole family with ENJELLA!
A Day In Sparkleshire with Enjella Enjoy A Fairy-tastic Day of Pampering and Meet Author [see more...]
Mary Lambert Wants you to Know what her Secrets are #Heartonmysleeve #O2O
Mary’s on her way up, and nothing is going to stop her taking the world [see more...]
Six Tips to Make a Great First Impression on a First Date
You only get one chance to make a first impression on a date. When [see more...]
Meet the “Points Kid”
Robert Karp is a high school senior. In between varsity soccer and writing [see more...]
Maybe Now They Won’t Have To Ticket So Many Cars in Mt. Kisco
This cops meter has expired!!!!! Post by Stacy Geisinger.
Fashion Forward New Shades
The Matte Lip is here to stay. Create a standout look with the fashion-forward [see more...]
Ulivjava a Superior Coffee Blended with Green Tea & Herbs brewing in Westchester
Health and wellness with your daily coffee! Iced Coffee – as only Martha (and nature) [see more...]
Miles Applebaum 21 from Armonk is missing and we need your help to find him.
Post by Sherry Goldman.
Race, wellness, and why we should care about the hilarity of Thug Kitchen
Blogging Like They Give A Fuck A black football fan tailgates with quinoa burgers (“queen-oh?” [see more...]
Aveda Smooth Infusion Naturally Straight #AvedaNaturallyStraight @SheSpeaks @Aveda
Hair the never ending battle. It seems to have a mind of its own. [see more...]
Shopping With Benefits
Post by Breast Cancer Alliance. Hi! I have a really simple favor [see more...]