Author Archives: Stacy G

It’s The New Year… And Time to Pull Your S**t Together!

You’ve made losing weight your New Year’s resolution so many times it would take a [see more...]

I Keep On Hoping…To Vacay Like POTUS By The Ocean (And You Can)

  No invite to Mar-a-Lago? No relatives at the Hyannis Port compound or in Kennebunkport, [see more...]

Is the Military Diet safe or will it cause your health to go AWOL?

Military Diet craze claims to help you ‘drop a dress size in a week   [see more...]

Health or Hype: What diet fads actually work?

Why can’t we keep our promise? Why can’t we make a simple diet and exercise [see more...]

Top 6 Effective Steps to consolidated your debts

  If you are trying to get back on track, with your debt situations; you [see more...]

53 Tips to Great Health and a Sexy Body


Grace Kelly at Joe’s Pub January 11th

JOE’S PUB on Wed Jan 11 at 7pm.   Tix are on sale now  so get [see more...]

4 Money-Saving New Year’s Resolutions for Your Family

  If you are currently raising a family, then there is a good chance that [see more...]

How to Opt Out Of a Timeshare Agreement

  The concept of timeshare vacations can be pretty alluring when presented by the marketer. [see more...]

Syphilis Has Once Again Raised Its Ugly Head

      Syphilis is one of the most dreaded sexually transmitted diseases that have [see more...]

Debt Consolidation as a Handy Avenue to Make Your Life Easier

If you are in a trap with multitude of debts making it difficult for you [see more...]

Why it is tough to say no to Tungsten rings

    Why it is tough to say no to Tungsten rings Wedding is an [see more...]

SING your way to theaters TODAY!

Jimmy Fallon, Paul McCartney and “Sing” Cast Perform “Wonderful Christmastime” Jimmy Fallon, The Roots and [see more...]

Red Wine Hot Chocolate Is a Thing

Red Wine Hot Chocolate Is a Thing, and It’s (Surprisingly) Delicious Frosé? That’s a summer [see more...]

How to Get Mentally Fit for The New Year

With the start of a new year it is important to reflect back on the [see more...]

“Bird’s Nest”: A Co-Parenting Arrangement

  A “bird’s nest” co-parenting arrangement is one that is uniquely child-centered. It may work [see more...]

How Your Friends Affect Your Health

‘Tis the season to be inundated with invitations and holiday gatherings but is all this [see more...]

Think you know everything about lipo?

        10 of the most common lLIPO questions and myths addressed Liposuction [see more...]