Author Archives: Stacy G

Most Common Types of Personal Injury Accidents

A personal injury lawyer is a legal expert who helps injured victims recover money when [see more...]


Summer can be one of the toughest times to be single.  There’s nothing worse than [see more...]

Katonah Art Stroll – Saturday June 15th! 5- 8pm – Live Music, New Art, Refreshments and Surprises

Saturday Evening June 15, from 4 to 8 p.m. Katonah is the place to be [see more...]

How to Rent Your Extra Space for Money

Do you have extra space in your home? You can make money by renting. AirBnB [see more...]

Getting Acquainted: Elizabeth Segerstrom and the Arts

If you live in or near Orange County, chances are you’ve attended a concert or [see more...]

A Brief Overview of Furnace Maintenance

  When summer ends and temperatures begin to fall, you likely rely on your furnace [see more...]

Meet Gina Bradley The Paddle Diva

Gina Bradley has changed many people’s lives while working with them on or in the [see more...]

Hear renowned Itzhak Perlman & his Chamber Music Workshop at Jewish Center of the Hamptons

TIME | Sunday, June 9 at 7:00pm PLACE | Jewish Center of the Hamptons, 44 Woods Lane, [see more...]

Everything You Need to Get Started In Kayaking

There is something magical about being in the water on a kayak; the smooth movements [see more...]

Hunting for Ghost Writers: How to Tell Good From Bad

 Who are Ghostwriters? Ghostwriters are the people hired to write a book, an article or [see more...]

Second show added! Seth Meyers comes to The Ridgefield Playhouse for a Night of Stand-up June 9

From “Weekend Update” to weeknights at 12:35am on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” Seth Meyers [see more...]

David Crosby returns to The Ridgefield Playhouse with the Sky Trails Tour on June 7

As if being the voice of a generation isn’t enough, David Crosby is Rolling Stone Magazine’s latest advice columnist. [see more...]

If you are a mom or have a mom, then this show is for you!

A musical parody about the challenges of motherhood Thursday, June 6th | 7:30 PM Conant [see more...]

Does Losing Weight Mean Having To Go Hungry?

This NYC Millennial Doctor Shares 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Starve for Weight loss and What [see more...]

5 Fun Weekend Getaways With Your Partner

  One of the most enjoyable things to do with your partner is find that [see more...]

Health IT: Top 5 Careers Choices in Medicine For Technology Geeks and How to Get Them

Those who are obsessed with or find themselves intrigued by technology have opportunities within the [see more...]

What Exactly is Reiki-Amy Knows

“As a practitioner of Reiki I am often asked what exactly is it.  Reiki is [see more...]

Accidents at Work: What To Do If You Are Injured At Work

Most companies/businesses have a safety and wellness program aimed at preventing work-related injuries. Such a [see more...]

Art Around Town Postponed ‘til May 31st – 5th Annual Opening Night

It’s Art Around Town time…Check out the local merchants in #chappaqua– you don’t want to miss [see more...]