Are CBD Treats Something We Can Use For Dog’s Cavities?


It’s rare, but dogs do occasionally develop cavities that can instigate episodes of severe pain similar to those that humans experience. A good preventative measure is to employ regular visits with the animal’s vet for cleanings up to two times per year. The medical provider will take that opportunity to fill any cavities and eliminate any tartar accumulation which leads to decay.

Pet parents should also take responsibility for regular brushing using a dog’s toothbrush and pet specific toothpaste. If you notice cavities on any of the teeth, claims suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) oil works in relieving pain associated with the decay before you’re able to get the animal to the vet’s office for treatment.

Causes For Canine Cavities

A dog’s teeth are typically pointed and sharp making cavities a rare occurrence for the species. Human teeth are vulnerable to the buildup of bacteria because they’re flat and smooth. There can be a number of factors contributing to your pup developing decay, some of which include:

  • Poor Nutrition Plan: If you indulge your dog with human food, especially ingredients that are high in sugar or fats and a high level of carbohydrates, there is an increased likelihood for problems developing with his teeth. It’s also possible when the pup eats lower quality dog foods with poor ingredients.
  • Lack Of Oral Hygiene: Pet parents need to brush their canine’s teeth. In addition, dogs should be given chew toys and dental treats that work to promote good oral health. Not participating in proper hygiene techniques with additional preventative techniques will leave the teeth exposed to decay.
  • Spacing Abnormalities Among The Teeth: Bacteria can thrive in an area where there is abnormal spacing, whether it be tightly together or gaps in between. When there are excessive bacteria accumulating, cavities will develop if not taken care of appropriately.
  • Underlying Health Ailments: If saliva production is reduced resulting in dry mouth due to an underlying health ailment, it affects the general condition of the dog, there is the possibility for oral health issues.

Prevention Of Decay For Canines

Even though the likelihood for decaying is minimal in a dog’s mouth, a pet parent still needs to be vigilant with their pet’s oral care and ensure you incorporate the best prevention in addition. No parent wants to see their animal endure any instances of pain. As a human can attest, a toothache is among one of the worst kinds of discomfort. Some things you can do for your pup:

  • Brush Regularly: Using just a standard brush, you should take care of your dogs’ oral hygiene each day using a toothpaste meant for pups. You should use a gentle hand with your dog and not make it a stressful situation. You want the puppy to be eager for every session.
  • Nutrition Plan: It’s important for you to invest in a high-quality dog food with whole, healthful ingredients. These should be low in carbohydrates. You need to avoid table scraps as much as possible, especially foods that are high in fats and sugary contents or acidic. Not only will the puppy’s mouth thank you, but his overall general health will improve.
  • Chew Toys: Chew toys might not come to mind as an essential component for a dog’s care regimen, but these are vital. They play a significant part in maintaining the animal’s oral health. In selecting options that will be best suited for preventing decay, it’s best to speak with the animal’s regular vet. The doctor can recommend ideal choices for eliminating tartar accumulation, which will, in turn, keep each tooth clean and steer clear of cavities.

These methods won’t be time-intrusive but will be easy to implement in the dog’s regular daily routine. The dog food and, perhaps, the toothpaste may prove challenging for someone who is budget conscious, but, again, the vet might be able to suggest suitable choices that meet your needs and fit your price point.

CBD Oil And Canine Cavities

Cannabidiol  boasts a natural anti-inflammatory, analgesic, appetite stimulant, and boosts the immune system, which can, in turn, induce faster healing if surgery is warranted. Again, quality products are vital if you want to receive the optimum in therapeutic effects from the products.

There are a vast array of forms of the compound that you can check out online at sites like  Having a large selection allows you to choose the most convenient, the simplest administration for your pup, so he doesn’t mind ingesting the substance.

In dosing for your dog, you will find directives on the packaging for the CBD oil. Generally, the company that you do business with can help if you’re new to the substance and have inquiries concerning how to use it.

When consulting with your vet, the cavity will be filled, and the tooth fixed. This is going to be a painful process for your pup. CBD is going to help with pain management bringing comfort to the dog and helping him to relax. The vet will provide additional instructions aside from the directives you find with the products.

You will always begin with the smallest dose possible to see how your canine is going to react to the oil. Gradually you can bump the dose up until the benefit you’re hoping for is reached. CBD oils boast as releasing into the system quite quickly allowing for the dog to feel the effect relatively soon. But each dog is different. Don’t just expect that. It could take a few hours.

Final Thought

Cannabidiol is no miracle or cure, and no one is trying to imply it to be. But there are ways that it purportedly can benefit our beloved companions. Click here to find out if its beneficial for your pup.

Before we allow them to suffer the agony of a toothache, we can let them indulge in a substance that has the potential to take this pain away or at least reduce it until the vet can fix the tooth, so why wouldn’t we?